Making bitweaver easier

by Kozuch
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Posted to Webmastering Bitweaver
I got to bitweaver administration after some time again. Hm, nice to see features have been added in R2. Hm, sad to see I can not (still) handle the CMS administration correctly it in the time amount I have for it. I have 2 ideas how to make bitweaver easier. Please take them as rough feature suggestions.

Administrative levels
This feature would simply allow to set my administrative skills level (beginner, advanced, freak etc.) and would hide some settings I might not need. The bitweaver administration is largely overwhelming for a newbie.

Site schemas
What about introducing a kind of pre-set site schemas that would set up the site for me to be used for various tasks like blog, article site, forum, wiki, photo gallery etc?

I think these two issues when implemented correctly could give bitweaver some great power.


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by laetzer, 05 Feb 2008 (21:09 UTC)
As far as I remember, site schemas have been on the table some time ago. It was thought to be a kind of "replacement" for styles - instead of having colorful variations of the portal-layout, styles would support functionally distinguished layouts like the one you mentioned, concepts like blog/photo/portal and so on. Actually, Layout Gala has kind of taken care of this, maybe. Maybe there could just be a Layout Gala option in the installer, for the admin to choose before he enters his freshly installed bitweaver site for the first time.

by maskiepop, 17 Aug 2008 (16:35 UTC)
Considering your observation about bitweaver admin, I have a feeling I will be in trouble again. I am a complete beginner with bitweaver and CMSs. I am planning to install bitweaver locally (PC running Ubuntu 8.4, LAMP); the few times I tried installing a CMS had been painful, slow, and have not given me any more confidence. I know I will get into trouble again with bitweaver. I am wondering — should I drop the idea now?

Re: dropping the idea...

by Bobby Richardson, 05 Nov 2008 (13:19 UTC)
I've been dancing around with bitweaver since v1.3 and I can honestly say that, even though a lot of changes have been made, there's still a lot of stuff that hasn't changed.

What this means to me is that my personal knowledge base about bitweaver has steadily grown, making it easier for me to do admin, and to understand the architecture.

It's like moving to a new city. Anyone can navigate by reading a map, but you don't learn to navigate by the seat of your pants until you've gotten lost and had to figure out how to get where you want to be.

I'd say go ahead and do a local install, so you can familiarize yourself with 'how bitweaver works'.
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