HTMLPurifier Error

Andrew Molnar
Joined: 10 Jun 2008

HTMLPurifier Error

Posted:10 Jun 2008 (14:18 UTC)
I recently installed bitweaver on my system to test for possible use on our company intranet. As most users will not be computer-savvy, I need it as easy as possible, and found I'm not satisifed with the way images are attached in an article. As an experienced user of FCKEditor for webpages I built in past work, I remember it having a dialog for putting images on a page. This needs HTML to work. But since choosing the HTMLPurifier option in Liberty Plugins, I get the following error whenever I edit pages:

Fatal error: Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\bitweaver\liberty\plugins\filter.htmlpurifier.php on line 54

The line of code in questions reads:

$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();

I have the lastest version PEAR installed, and HTMLPurifier.php is being found, but the HTMLPurifier_Config class indeed doesn't exist in that file. I found it in Config.php under PEAR's HTMLPurifier directory. Could this be something new in the latest version of PEAR, or is the problem elsewhere?

Thanks for your help.
Joined: 28 Sep 2005

Re: HTMLPurifier Error

Posted:13 Jun 2008 (13:12 UTC)
the latest version of HTMLPurifier changed somethings. We have a patch of this in cvs. Here is the updated file. NOTE! We have not patched the YouTube filter plugin yet. That is coming shortly.

 * @version  $Header: /cvsroot/bitweaver/_bit_liberty/plugins/filter.htmlpurifier.php,v 1.20 2008/06/09 19:04:16 squareing Exp $
 * @package  liberty
 * @subpackage plugins_filter

 * definitions ( guid character limit is 16 chars )
define'PLUGIN_GUID_FILTERHTMLPURIFIER''filterhtmlpure' );


$pluginParams = array (
// plugin title
'title'                    => 'HTMLPurifier',
// help page on bitweaver org that explains this plugin
'help_page'                => 'HTMLPurifier',
// brief description of the plugin
'description'              => 'Uses <a href="">HTMLPurifier</a> to cleanup the HTML submitted to your site and ensure that it is standards compliant and does not contain anything malicious. It is also used to ensure that the various places that input is split for previews does not cause bad markup to break the page. This filter is <strong>highly</strong> recommended if you are allowing HTML but is still good for sites that are not using thse formats for the ability to cleanup markup which has been split for preview properly though this may disable certain plugins that insert non standards compliant code.',
// should this plugin be active or not when loaded for the first time
'auto_activate'            => FALSE,
// absolute path to this plugin
'path'                     => LIBERTY_PKG_PATH.'plugins/filter.htmlpurifier.php',
// type of plugin
'plugin_type'              => FILTER_PLUGIN,
// url to page with options for this plugin
'plugin_settings_url'      => LIBERTY_PKG_URL.'admin/filter_htmlpurifier.php',

// various filter functions and when they are called
    // called before the data is parsed
    //    'pre_function'       => 'htmlpure_filter',
    // called after the data has been parsed
'preparse_function'  => 'htmlpure_filter',
// called before the data is parsed if there is a split
    //    'presplit_function'  => 'htmlpure_filter',
    // called after the data has been parsed if there is a split
'postsplit_function' => 'htmlpure_filter',
$gLibertySystem->registerPluginPLUGIN_GUID_FILTERHTMLPURIFIER$pluginParams );

htmlpure_filter( &$pString, &$pFilterHash ) {

    if (!isset(
$gHtmlPurifier)) {
$blacklistedTags $gBitSystem->

$pear_version false;

        if (@include_once(
"PEAR.php")) {
"HTMLPurifier.php")) {
// If using 3.10+
if(!class_exists("HTMLPurifier_Config")) {
$auto_config true;

$config HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();

// Set the cache path
$config->set('Cache''SerializerPath'STORAGE_PKG_PATH );

                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_escape_bad''y') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_disable_extern') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_disable_extern_res''y') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_disable_res') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_disable_uri') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_use_redirect') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_strict_html''y') == 'y') {
                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_xhtml''n') == 'n') {

// Set that we are using a div to wrap things.

$def =& $config->getHTMLDefinition();
// HTMLPurifier doesn't have a blacklist feature. Duh guys!
                // Note that this has to come last since the other configs
                // may tweak the def.
foreach (explode(',',$blacklistedTags) as $tag) {

                if (
$gBitSystem->getConfig('htmlpure_force_nofollow''y') == 'y') {
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ForceValue extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ForceValue($name$value) {
$this->name  $name;
$this->value $value;
transform($attr$config$context) {
$attr[$this->name] = $this->value;
$def->info['a']->attr_transform_post['rel'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ForceValue('rel''nofollow');

// As suggested here:
$gHtmlPurifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);

// TODO: devise a way to parse plugins dir
                // and check for the right property here
                // so new plugins are just drop in place.
if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('htmlpure_allow_youtube')) {
$gHtmlPurifier->addFilter(new HTMLPurifier_Filter_YouTube());

// Did we manage to create one?
if (isset($gHtmlPurifier)) {
/* Clean up the paragraphs a bit */
        //        $start = $pData;
$pString htmlpure_cleanupPeeTags($pString);
//        $pee = $pString;
        //        $pString = html_entity_decode( $pString );
$pString $gHtmlPurifier->purify$pString );

        echo "<br/><hr/><br/>".$start;
        include_once( 'Text/Diff.php' );
        include_once( 'Text/Diff/Renderer/inline.php' );
        $diff = &new Text_Diff(explode("\n", $start), explode("\n",$pee));
        $renderer = &new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline();
        echo "<br/><hr/><br/>". $renderer->render($diff);

        echo "<br/><hr/><br/>".$pString;
        include_once( 'Text/Diff.php' );
        include_once( 'Text/Diff/Renderer/inline.php' );
        $diff = &new Text_Diff(explode("\n", $pee), explode("\n",$pString));
        $renderer = &new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline();
        echo "<br/><hr/><br/>". $renderer->render($diff);
} else {
bit_log_error("HTMLPurifier not installed. Install with: pear channel-discover; pear install hp/HTMLPurifier;");


htmlpure_cleanupPeeTags$pee ) {

// Convert us some form feeds for better cross platform support
$pee str_replace(array("\r\n""\r"), "\n"$pee);

// Strip out lots of duplicate newlines now
$pee preg_replace("#\n\n+#""\n\n"$pee);

// Pee in block quotes - Removed as we now have purifier insert a div instead. See above.
    //    $pee = preg_replace('#<blockquote(.*?(?:[^>]*))>(.*?)</blockquote>#s', '<blockquote$1><p>$2</p></blockquote>', $pee);

    // Strip empty pee
$pee preg_replace('#<p>\s*</p>#'''$pee);

// Unpee pre blocks
$pee preg_replace('#(]*)>)(.*?)
" '$1' . preg_replace('#<br[\s/]*(?:[^>]*)/>#', '"."\n"."',
        preg_replace('#<p[\s]*(?:[^>]*)>#', '"
        preg_replace('#</p[\s]*(?:[^>]*)>#', '', '$2'))). '</pre>'"

// Fixup align divs so we can keep them.
$pee preg_replace('#<div(.*?)align="(.*?)"(.*?)>#''<div$1style="text-align:$2;"$3>'$pee);



Joined: 28 Sep 2005

Re: HTMLPurifier Error

Posted:13 Jun 2008 (13:16 UTC)
Shoot - code escaping didnt like that. While it lasts at pastebin you get a copy of the code there:

We'll look into patching that code plugin
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