Error . . . Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]:

Joined: 08 Sep 2009

Error . . . Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]:

Posted:26 Apr 2011 (13:39 UTC)
Please let me know if I posted in the wrong section.

As a webmaster I took over the responsibility of a website with no previous bitweaver knowledge, and not so much mysql/php knowledge either (just so you know where I am coming from, hehe).

The website has the following error when I try to visit it:
Warning: tempnam() function.tempnam: open_basedir restriction
in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/tmp/:/usr/local/php5-suphp/:/usr/bin/:/usr/local/bin/:/bin/) in /home/1/o/oto/kernel/kernel_lib.php on line 104

Anyone able to help, please? Thanks in advance :D
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