Editors and article approval


Editors and article approval

Posted:28 Sep 2007 (09:54 UTC)

I recently set a bitweaver site up, and I'm now testing it.
I've got one problem with articles:

- Someone (Anonymous, Registered, ...) submits an article
- The article must be approves (For Anon or Registered)

Only a user with Admin rights can get the list of submitted articles. The Editors don't have the shortcut in the article menu.

Bitweaver 1.3.1
Apache 2.2.3
MySQL Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.22
Linux RedHat EL5


Joined: 10 Jan 2006

Re: Editors and article approval

Posted:28 Sep 2007 (10:23 UTC)
all permissions can be set at admin->users->groups and permissions
go there and set allow... for Editors group. then the link will appear

Re: Editors and article approval

Posted:02 Oct 2007 (11:50 UTC)

On the Group Permissions, in the Editors part, the line about submissions looks like:
v bit_p_approve_submission Editors |v| Articles Peut approuver les soumissions

So, if I read it right, the Editors should get the possibility to approve submissions. But they can't even see them!

Joined: 10 Jan 2006

Re: Editors and article approval

Posted:02 Oct 2007 (14:59 UTC)
log in as editor and write the url for approving articles in the browser address bar
if it loads, the problem is in the menu and you'll need to fix the menu template
if it gives permission error page, then it's permissioning problem. then again, go find the articles/templates/menu_articles.tpl to see, what is the exact permission it checks when deciding if it should show the link.
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