
Created by: spiderr, Last modification: 13 Nov 2008 (18:16 UTC) by xing

Inspired by the EXP-WIKI-FARM ideas, I thought I would jot down some of my concepts for a more general solution for this valuable concept.

The idea i would pursue (and probably will for bitweaver) is a more generic one. I would like to use an inheritance concept such that there was a "base content" table, and other tables would inherit off of it to do specialized functionality.

TABLE "public.base_content"
Holds all the generic data for any content type (wiki, article, blog post)

contentId | bigint | primary key
title | character varying(200) | title or pageName
description | character varying(200) | brief description
data | text | content data
created | bigint |
lastModif | bigint |
user | character varying(200) |
size | bigint |

TABLE "public.namespace"
A simple description for a grouping of content.

namespaceId | bigint | primary key
namespaceName | character varying(200) |
theme | bigint | primary key
... many more fields here

TABLE "public.content_namespace_map"
Holds a mapping of which content exists in which content group

contentId | bigint | foreign key to base_content
namespaceId | bigint | foreign key to namespace

All existing tables & lib.php's work as before, but have their common data elements moved into base_content. All existing primary keys are converted to a single contentId. Search would be much simpler. Simple, powerful permissioning could be done with this mechanism as well. This is a major step towards a real content management system.

For example:

Table "public.tiki_pages"

contentId | bigint | foreign key to base_content
comment | character varying(200) |
version | integer | not null default '0'
ip | character varying(15) |
flag | character(1) |
points | integer |
hits | integer |
votes | integer |
cache | text |
wiki_cache | bigint | default 0
cache_timestamp | bigint |
pageRank | numeric(4,3) |
creator | character varying(200) |
page_size | bigint | default 0

Table "public.tiki_blog_posts"

contentId | integer | foreign key to base_content
blogId | integer | parent blog
trackbacks_to | text |
trackbacks_from | text |

Table "public.tiki_articles"

contentId | integer | foreign key to base_content
state | character(1) | default 's'
author | character varying(200) |
authorName | character varying(60) |
topicId | bigint |
topicName | character varying(40) |
useImage | character(1) |
image_name | character varying(80) |
image_type | character varying(80) |
image_size | bigint |
image_x | smallint |
image_y | smallint |
image_data | bytea |
publishDate | bigint |
expireDate | bigint |
hash | character varying(32) |
reads | bigint |
votes | integer |
points | bigint |
type | character varying(50) |
rating | numeric(3,2) |
isfloat | character(1) |