History of InstallPackage

Comparing versions
Version 11Current version
Installation instructions for Release Bonnie


It is highly recommended you refer to the online documentation:
  • InstallbitweaverDoc is for a setup guide for version ReleaseOne.
  • There may be information on the Troubleshooting page.
  • Troubleshooting FAQ for some troubleshooting ideas and workarounds.
  • bitweaver Support FAQ has general questions about bitweaver.
  • It might also be helpful to look into the Technical_Documentation.
  • bitweaver is also a community : irc.freenode.net channel #bitweaver


Before you get started it's a good idea to know:

  • your database user name and password
  • your apache user and group ID

If you're using the RPM that is available you can skip down to browser based install.

These are notes on how to setup and configure Tiki.

Step one: unpack bitweaver files

- - - - - -
Unpack and set the necessary permissions
unpack to the document root of where you want tiki installed, e.g. /var/www/tiki/

bz2 file? Use:
tar xvjf tikiwikiv.xxx

Step two: run setup.sh

- - - - - - -
In the directory install:
Change file permissions on the file setup.sh to 755. "chmod 755 setup.sh"

  • Set permissions and virtual host domains with setup.sh:
o Determine what user and group your webserver runs as

The script setup.sh in this directory assigns necessary permissions for the directories that the
webserver writes files to. It also creates the (initially empty) cache directories.

Usage: ./setup.sh user group rights list of virtual host domains

For example, if apache is running as user $AUSER and group $AGROUP, type:
You can find your group using the command 'id'.

su -c './setup.sh $AUSER'

Alternatively, you may wish to set both the user and group:
If not root then
su -c './setup.sh $USER $AGROUP'

This will allow you to delete certain files/directories without becoming root. Or, if you can't become
root, but are a member of the group apache runs under (for example: $AGROUP), you can type:

./setup.sh $USER $AGROUP

If root then, and are not a member of the apache group, then type:
./setup.sh $USER yourgroup 02777

Replace yourgroup with your default group.

NOTE: If you do execute this last command, you will not be able to delete certain files created by
apache, and will need to ask your system administrator to delete them for you if needed.

To use Tiki's multi-site capability (virtual hosts from a single DocumentRoot) add a list of domains to
the command to create all the needed directories. For example

If Root then
root@localhost tiki]# sh ./setup.sh youruser nobody 02775 test1 test2 test3

If not Root then
./setup.sh $USER $AGROUP 02777 domain1 domain2 domain3

This will get you to the next screen go to step three below.

Step three: browser based setup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • create a tiki database
- often using PhpMyAdmin (cache) and MySQL
- or on the command line mysqladmin create dbname
the database name is usually called "tiki"
  • Point your browser to the web address that corresponds to the file install/install.php (e.g.
  • Follow the instructions there
you'll need the password and user name for your database
  • For the first time to log into Tiki is

user: admin
password: admin

Step four: Custom configuration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Next you can configure Tiki to your needs:

  • Choose which features you want switched on
- click on Administration on the left side of your screen
  • (Optionally) create groups of users that share permissions
  • Assign appropriate permissions

Good luck! And come on over to
and join the team!

This page is about the Install Package and not about the installation process per se. For information on how to install bitweaver, please visit InstallbitweaverDoc and bitweaverRequirements.

Required or not?

The installer is required when you first install bitweaver and when you want to (re)install new packages. If you are sure you won't need to install any additional packages in the future, you can delete the Install Package. We recommend you keep it handy in case you change your mind. For advanced security please see below.

Revisiting the Install Package

Adding new packages

After the installation has completed, you can download new packages and place the files in your bitweaver root directory. The root directory contains all the package directories such as kernel/ languages/ users/ util/ ... Once the new package is in place, it will appear on the Kernel --> Packages page. If the package requires installation, you will see an Install tab, which will list the packages that are ready for installation and a link that will take you to the Install Package. Just follow the installation instructions and your new package should be ready in no time.

Reinstalling (Desinstalling) Packages

Once your bitweaver system is up and running, you can revisit the installer at any time. It will give you options to re-install already installed packages. This will remove all the data in the tables associated with that package. This means that you will not be able to retrieve the associated data anymore.


The bitweaver Install Package is very powerful since it allows you to install a new system, add new packages, upgrade any existing package, and even migrate from one database type to another. We have made sure that you can only access the installer as administrator, however, we still recommend that you take some basic precautions.

The 2 most effective methods are:
  • disallow access to the install/ directory or the install.php file by changing the permissions
  • alternatively you can rename install_inc.php to install_inc.done

Rocking stuff

I just have to mention this at this point: our installer absolutely rocks. If you don't believe me, you should give it a spin!
Page History
12 Oct 2007 (18:44 UTC)
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