History of ReleaseProcess

!Change version in code
# Confirm the release version is correct in __kernel/setup_inc.php__. Commit any changes to CVS as necessary.
!Create tar.gz file
# SSH onto packard.bitweaver.org
# __sudo su - bitweaver__
# From the Bitweaver home directory and execute the __~/live/bitweaver/install/bitweaver_build.sh bitweaver Rx__ script, where __Rx__ is the release you're building for. This checkouts the latest CVS of BW, cleans it up, and prepares it for distribution.
# The script creates a weekly build tar file in the Bitweaver home directory. Rename the __bitweaver_bitweaver_wb_yyyyweekww.tar.gz__ file to the appropriate name ie __bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz__ where __x__ is the major revision, __y__ is the minor revision and __z__ is the release eg bitweaver_1.0.1.tar.gz
# Copy the renamed file to __~/builds__ directory
# Annouce on IRC and mailing list, it is avaiable for testing
!Create zip file
# __mkdir ~/test__ in Bitweaver home directory
# __tar xvzf bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz -C ~/test__ to extract a copy to ''test'' directory
# __cd ~/test__
# Create a new zip file, using __zip bitweaver_x.y.z.zip -r bitweaver__
# Move the file to __~/builds__ directory __mv bitweaver_x.y.z.zip ~/builds/__
!Create bz2 file
# Create a new bz2 file, using __tar cvjf bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.bz2 bitweaver/__
# Move the file to __~/builds__ directory __mv bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.bz2 ~/builds/__
!Create rpm file
# Return to the Bitweaver home directory __cd__
# Remove test directory __rm ~/test -rf__
!Upload files to SourceForge
# __cd ~/builds__
# Using anonymous ftp - upload the previous *.gz, *.zip and *.bz2 files to [ftp://upload.sf.net/incoming]{CODE }$ ftp upload.sf.net
Name (upload.sf.net): anonymous
ftp> cd incoming
ftp> put bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz
ftp> put bitweaver_x.y.z.zip
ftp> put bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.bz2
ftp> bye{CODE}

# Login as SF admin at [http://sf.net/projects/bitweaver]
# Go to [http://sourceforge.net/project/admin/editpackages.php?group_id=141358|Admin / File Releases]
# At the bottom of the page, click __Edit Releases__ on ''bitweaver'' Package Name
# At the top of the list, should be the previous release. Click the __Edit this release__ link
# Change the:
** __Date__ - to todays date
** __Release Name__ - to ''Release x.y.z'' eg __Release 1.0.1__
# Click __Submit/Refresh__ at the bottom of the page

# Annouce on IRC and mailing list, it is avaiable for testing
# Revisit ((MediaBlitz)) to spread the word

!New Releases
!!So how does bitweaver handle development of new releases?
At any time there are 3 active versions of bitweaver refered to as STABLE, TESTING, and DEVELOPMENT. We intend to follow the spirit of the [http://www.debian.org/releases/|debian release process].
This is the latest stable release for production use. This is STABLE and we mean __STABLE__, and have very high standards. If you need bitweaver in a production environment, this is for you. Only changes allowed here are to fix major bugs. Bug fixes here are pushed forward to TESTING and DEVELOPMENT.
These will be packaged as <edition>_FR1. If additional fixes are deemed necessary, packages called <edition>_FR2, FR3, ect.
This is the code being prepared for the next realease. This code should be considered very useable for a live site. No new features are added, but features are tested and fixed. Bugs are also fixed here, and those changes get pushed forward to DEVELOPMENT.
As realease gets close, we will periodicaly package release canidates called <edition>_RC1, <edition>_RC2 ect...
A release candidate, if good enough, will be transformed to a STABLE version if the TestProcess shows that it is OK. In practice it might happen that one or two critical bugs gets fixed before moving an almost good RC to a stable version if it is reasonable to belive that these corrections has few feature interactions.
This is the cutting edge and where new features get added.
Periodic tarballs will be made availible.
Both TESTING and DEVELOPMENT will produce weekly builds named <edition>_WB_<date>.
Page History
25 Jan 2006 (22:32 UTC)
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11314
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11312
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