History of Help Format

This is an example of what the Help and Extended Help should look like for Wiki Plugins when I am finished. I used the plugin WikiGraph as an example.

__WikiGraph__ - This plugin will insert a graph for visual navigation. The graph shows the page and every page that can be reached from that page. Each node in the graph can be clicked to navigate to the selected page. Unless a PageName? is included between the {WIKIGRAPH} blocks, the graph will be created for the Current Page. Note: This plugin requires the installation of GraphViz on the server.
__Syntax:__ ~np~{WIKIGRAPH(level=> ,title=> ,nodesep=> ,rankdir=> ,bgcolor=> ,size=> ,fontsize=> ,fontname=> ,shap=> ,nodestyle=> ,nodecolor=> ,nodefillcolor=> ,nodewidth=> ,nodeheight=> ,edgecolor=> ,edgestyle=> )}{WIKIGRAPH}~/np~
-=::<b>Extended Help</b>::=-
^__Parameter Syntax:__ {USERLIST(key=>value)}
||::__key__:: | ::__type__:: | ::__Opt/Req__:: | ::__Default__:: | ::__Comments__::
::__level__:: | ::number:: | ::Optional:: | ::0:: | The number of levels that will be followed from the starting page. When __level=>0__ (the default) only the links starting from the page will be displayed.
::__title__:: | ::string:: | ::Optional:: | ::Wiki-Graph:: | the title of the graph.
::__nodesep__:: | ::inches:: | ::Optional:: | :: .1 :: | the minimum distance between two nodes at the same level.Use the format 1.2 in inches.
::__rankdir__:: | ::string:: | ::Optional:: | ::TB:: | The direction that the graph is layedout. Can be Left to Right __LR or RL__ Right to Left. Vertical graphs can also be made using Top to Bottom __TB or BT__ Bottom to Top.
::__bgcolor__:: | ::colorname or hex-color:: | ::Optional:: | ::transparent:: | Specifies the background color for the graph. HTML colors (#RRGGBB) can be used if preceeded by the character #.
::__size__:: | ::inches:: | ::Optional:: | ::Unlimited:: | The width and height of the graph. Use the format 5,3 in inches. If the graph is larger that the size it will be scaled down to fit.
::__fontsize__:: | ::points:: | ::Optional:: | ::9:: | The font size in points - used in all text.
::__fontname__:: | ::fontname:: | ::Optional:: | ::Helvetica:: | The name of the font used for the labels. It is better to use a font that is generally available, such as Times-Roman?, Helvetica or Courier.
::__shap__:: | ::value:: | ::Optional:: | ::box:: | The shape of the nodes. Values can be __box / circle / diamond / doublecircle / doubleoctagon / egg / ellipse / hexagon / house / invhouse / invtrapezium / invtriangle / Mcircle / Mdiamond / Msquare / octagon / parallelogram / pentagon / point / polygon / rect / rectangle / septagon / trapezium / triangle / tripleoctagon__.
::__nodestyle__:: | ::value:: | ::Optional:: | ::filled:: | The style used for creating the nodes. Values are: __dashed / dotted / solid / invis / bold / filled / diagonals / rounded__.
::__nodecolor__:: | ::colorname or hex-color:: | ::Optional:: | ::#aeaeae (light gray):: | The basic color for all graphics. HTML colors (#RRGGBB) can be used if preceeded by the character #.
::__nodefillcolor__:: | ::colorname or hex-color:: | ::Optional:: | ::#FFFFFF (White):: | Specifies the background color inside the nodes. HTML colors (#RRGGBB) can be used if preceeded by the character #.
::__nodewidth__:: | ::inches:: | ::Optional:: | :: .1 :: | The width of the nodes. This is the initial, minimum width of a node. Use the format 1.2 in inches.
::__nodeheight__:: | ::inches:: | ::Optional:: | ::.1:: | The height of the nodes. This is the initial, minimum height of a node. Use the format 1.2 in inches.
::__edgecolor__:: | ::colorname or hex-color:: | ::Optional:: | ::#999999 (darker gray):: | Specifies the color of the links. HTML colors (#RRGGBB) can be used if preceeded by the character #.
::__edgestyle__:: | ::value:: | ::Optional:: | ::normal:: | The shape of the arrow that points at the link. Values are: __normal / inv / dot / invdot / odot / invodot / none / tree / empty / invempty / diamond / ediamond / odiamond / crow / box / obox / open / halfopen__.||^ ^__Example:__ ~np~{WIKIGRAPH(level=>0)}HomePage{WIKIGRAPH}~/np~^ ^__Note 1:__ Plugin's are case sensitive. The Name of the plugin MUST be UPPERCASE. The Key(s) are always lowercase. Some Values are mixed-case but most require lowercase. When in doubt - look at the Example.
__Note 2:__ A listing of ))ColorNames(( can be found at [http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/index.php?page=Browser+ColorNames|bitweaver].
__Note 3:__ One useful place for obtaining HTML colors is [http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage/picker/|The Color Picker II].^

Page History
23 May 2004 (08:50 UTC)
Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
Current • Source
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