This is documentation of the process used while porting Trackers V2 from TikiWiki 1.9 to Tikipro.
!Create the Directories
Well, first thing I'll do is create sub-dirs under my Tikipro install as per Fire's Tutorial_Custom_package.
mkdir trackers2
mkdir trackers2/admin
mkdir trackers2/icons
mkdir trackers2/modules
mkdir trackers2/plugins
mkdir trackers2/templates

!Copying the Files
First thing I'll do is copy the trackers library, root php files, modules and templates. I've used the '...' to indicate the previous command but with a different filename for brevity.
cp ../tw-1.9/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php trackers2
!!Root files (non-admin)
cp ../tw-1.9/tiki-list_trackers.php trackers2
!!Root files (admin)
cp ../tw-1.9/tiki-admin_include_trackers.php trackers2/admin
cp ../tw-1.9/img/icons/admin_trackers.png trackers2/icons
cp ../tw-1.9/modules/mod-last_modif_tracker_items.php trackers2/modules
!!Templates (modules)
cp ../tw-1.9/templates/modules/mod-last_modif_tracker_items.tpl trackers2/modules
!!Wiki Plugins
cp ../tw-1.9/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php trackers2/plugins
!!Templates (non-modules)
cp ../tw-1.9/templates/tiki-admin-include-trackers.tpl trackers2/templates
!!Templates (notifications)
cp ../tw-1.9/templates/mail/tracker_changed_notification.tpl trackers2/templates

Lets start with an index page. By default, we want list trackers to be the index page - so rename
mv trackers2/tiki-list_trackers.php trackers2/index.php

Okay - all references to ''tiki-setup.php'' must be changed to ''../tiki_setup_inc.php''. I've used a PERL command that will find and replace all instances of ''tiki-setup.php'' to ''../tiki_setup_inc.php'' in all *.php files under ''trackers2'' directory.
perl -i -pe 's/tiki-setup.php/..\/tiki_setup_inc.php/g' `find trackers2 -type f -name '*.php'`

Now create a ''tiki_setup_inc.php'' file in the ''trackers2'' directory. I've used the ''trackers/tiki_setup_inc.php'' file as a template.
// Initialise global variables
global $gTikiSystem, $userlib;

// Register package with kernel
$gTikiSystem->registerPackage( 'Trackers v2', dirname( __FILE__ ).'/' );

// If package is installed
if( $gTikiSystem->isPackageActive( 'TRACKERS2_PKG_PATH' ) )
// Register user menu
$gTikiSystem->registerAppMenu( TRACKERS2_PKG_DIR, TRACKERS2_PKG_NAME, TRACKERS2_PKG_URL.'index.php',
'tikipackage:trackers2/menu_trackers.tpl', true );

if( $userlib->user_has_permission($user, 'tiki_p_admin_trackers') )
$perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'perm_name_desc', '', 'trackers');
foreach ($perms["data"] as $perm)
$perm = $perm["perm_name"];
$smarty->assign("$perm", 'y');
$$perm = 'y';
$smarty->assign('t_use_db', 'y');
$smarty->assign('t_use_dir', '');

Okay - all references to ''lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'' must be changed to ''TRACKERS2_PKG_PATH.'tracker_lib.php'''. Once again, we will use a PERL find and replace.
perl -i -pe 's/\'lib\/trackers\//TRACKERS2_PKG_PATH.\'/g' `find trackers2 -type f -name '*.php'`
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