History of LuluBot

LuluBot is an irc bot written in PHP. Its role is to link irc activity to web visibility : logging, requests and queries, interaction, modification of web content from irc, etc ..

It also include all well-known goodies that we can expect from a modern ircbot : google search, dictionnary, fortune cookies, random behaviour, social and protocol dealing. That bot can also become a FOAF relay, and deal with human protocol in irc space.

LuluBot is a rewritting of TikiBot [http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot] under LGPL licence with wider ability to interact with the web application.

mose at mose.fr

# Extract the source code into a directory not accessible through the web server. If your web application lives at ''/home/htdocs/mywebapp/'', you could place LuluBot in ''/home/htdocs/lulubot/'' for example.
# Open __conf.php__ and create/modify:
{CODE()}$conf['server'] = 'irc.freenode.net'; // your irc server
$conf['port'] = 6667; // your irc port
$conf['nick'] = 'lulubot'; // your irc nick
$conf['join'][] = '#tikipro'; // your irc channel
{CODE}You can add multiple ''join'' channel lines.
# By default, a number of ''skills'' will be enabled, which can be seen in __conf.php__. You configure custom skills from here, for example:
{CODE()}$conf['skills'][] = 'tikipro';
define('TIKIPRO_NAME', 'tp.o');
define('TIKIPRO_PATH', '/home/htdocs/mywebapp/'); // don't forget ending slash
define('TIKIPRO_URL', 'http://www.tikipro.org/'); // don't forget ending slash{CODE}
Page History
04 Jul 2004 (07:59 UTC)
Stephan Borg218.214.1.11310
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1139
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1138
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1137
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1136
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1135
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1134
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1133
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1132
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