History of WindowsCVS

Version 4


CVS on Windows

Created by: laetzer, Last modification: 26 Aug 2006 (21:48 UTC) by laetzer
Several programs can be used to work with CVS under Windows. Tortoise and WinCVS are often mentioned. To visualize differences between two files, many people use WinMerge or ExamDiff. Also PuTTY comes in handy. Sourceforge provides a documentation page explaining how to set up Tortoise and other programs for MS Windows and the differences among some programs.

Using Tortoise under Windows

  1. right click a root directory of your choice and select
    CVS checkout...
  2. in the CVSROOT line, type:
    when you are registered on sourceforge, you should use this
  3. in the Module line, type:
    bitweaver ( or the module you want to get - see CVS Modules )
  4. select the appropriate revision from the corresponding tab. this will usually be R plus the appropriate release version. e.g.:
  5. never use import. All you need are checkout and update.
  6. Read further details on downloading bitweaver and checking out code on this page: GetCode</your_username>
Page History
14 Jun 2007 (17:33 UTC)
Walter Wojcik72.45.232.1876
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