History of bitweaverCVS

Comparing versions
Version 61Current version
Our CVS is hosted at SourceForge

Check out our groovy CVS Stats

CVS Introduction

An introduction to CVS use on SourceForge is Basic Introduction to CVS and SourceForge.net Project CVS Services.
Information on usage of SourceForge CVS is in Section F of the SourceForge Docs page.

Setting up Tortoise (For windows users)

When using tortoise, please remember never to use import. all you need are checkout and update.

first you need to download Tortoise and install it. After restarting your computer you can follow these simple instructions to get bitweaver:
  1. right click on your desktop (or your html root directory) and select
    CVS checkout...
  2. in the CVSROOT line, type:
    when you are registered on sourceforge, you should use this
  3. in the Module line, type:
    bitweaver ( or the module you want to get - see CVS Modules )
  4. select the appropriate revision from the corresponding tab. this will usually be R plus the appropriate release version. e.g.:

How is the bitweaverCVS organized


Our CVS tree has a cvs module for each package. However, a virtual CVS module is use to create our two primary distributions: bitweaver, bitweaverdev and bitweavercore. Every bitweaverRoadMap has a CVS branch named after it. The branch is create AFTER we have gone into schema freeze for the project.

CVS Modules

Release material. these are the packages that are ready for general distribution.
all bitweaver packages that are currently available in CVS. contains dangerously explosive stuff and some packages are in serious flux and are not considered ready for general consumption. gives you an idea of what great stuff is going to be available in the near future!
contains all core modules without any clutter. basically the minimum required to get a fully working version of bitweaver without any additional functionality.
packages that were developed secifically for bitweaver are prepended with _bit_. for instance, the wiki package is called _bit_wiki in cvs. third party applications such as phpbb are only prepended with _, so to check out phpbb you check out _phpbb.

CVS Branches

R1 is equivalent to Release 1 and symbolises a stable release branch that will not undergo any API changes or database schema changes.
No guarantees for stability provided. might break at any time and no real support provided. please only use this if you are a developer and know what you are doing.

to get a reliable list of all available modules and things that are available in CVS, please check out CVSROOT and view the modules file. there you can find the various modules and what virtual modules we have available and what exaclty they contain.

To get code for ReleaseOne, you want to check out the code from Sourceforge.
Developer Access: If you are you a member of the bitweaver project then you should (NOTE!! Make sure you "export CVS_RSH=ssh" in your /etc/profile or CVS shell first):

 cvs -d :ext:yourusername@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -r R1 bitweaver

General Access: If not, you can get anonymous access. Note this method users a mirrored CVS and has a 24+ code delay with the :ext: method indicated above.

 cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -r R1 bitweaver

To get the latest and greatest code from cvs HEAD ( currently ReleaseTwo ), don't use any tags at all:

 cvs -d :ext:yourusername@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver

Other modules:

_adodb - the latest import and merge of the adodb library supported by bitweaver
_smarty - the latest import and merge of the smarty library supported by bitweaver


As discussed in ReleaseProcess there are three active branches in cvs: STABLE, TESTING, and DEVELOPMENT. See ReleaseProcess for which branch is currently in which state.


DEVELOPMENT is the cvs trunk also known as HEAD.
Fixes in STABLE get merged into TESTING as needed.
Fixes in TESTING, including those from STABLE, get merged into HEAD as needed.
Several tags are maintained on DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, and STABLE to manage the merge process. In general you should simple checkout the latest version of the brach you are working on. See ReleaseProcess for what should be done where.

  • Branch - Comment
    • Tag - Comment
    • Tag - Comment

Add a package to Rx

cvs rtag -b Rx <package>
e.g.: cvs rtag -b R1 _bit_calendar

HEAD - Current Mainline

This is the leading edge of development.

ReleaseOne R1

This is the version running on serveral sites and is considered stable. no database changes are made to this version and we try and maintain a stable environment.

Version Merging

How merge to HEAD is done:
In R1/bitweaver directory:
cvs update -dP
cvs tag -cF R1_NEXTMERGE
In merge/HEAD directory:
cvs -d :ext:btodoroff@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver
cd bitweaver
cvs update -j R1_LASTMERGE -j R1_NEXTMERGE
cvs commit -m "Merge recent changes from R1 into HEAD"
cd ..
rm -rf bitweaver
Back in R1/bitweaver directory:

NOTE about the -kk option: There is one major caveat with using `-kk' on merges. Namely, it overrides whatever keyword expansion mode CVS would normally have used. In particular, this is a problem if the mode had been `-kb' for a binary file. Therefore, if your repository contains binary files, you will need to deal with the conflicts rather than using `-kk'

Merging using Meld

make sure you have Meld installed:
Fedora Core: # yum -y install meld

and then get R1 and HEAD into seperate directories:
cvs -d :ext:btodoroff@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -d biteaver_R1 -r R1 bitweaver
cvs -d :ext:btodoroff@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -d biteaver_HEAD bitweaver

open meld, activate the CVS text filter in the preferences window, click on the new icon and select the 2 dirs:
in the compare directories tab select bitweaver_R1 as the Mine directory and the bitweaver_HEAD directory as the Original directory.

merge the two, and commit to CVS

i don't think any tags are needed in CVS if this method is used, but i might be mistaken.

How a release branch is created
In <release> directory:
cvs -d:ext:..... co bitweaver
In <release>/bitweaver directory:
cvs update -dP
cvs rtag -b -D <today date="" plus="" year:="" yyyy-mm-dd=""><release> bitweaver
cvs rtag -r <release><release>_LASTMERGE bitweaver

Including 3rd party code in CVS

Is this the same stuff from UsingLibrariesInCVS? - wolff_borg
How merge to HEAD is done:

Let's say we want to import the excellent database abstraction layer
ADOdb version 4.60 into our CVS repository:

$ wget http://phplens.com/lens/dl/adodb360.tgz
$ tar xvzf adodb360.tgz
$ rm adodb360.tgz
$ cd adodb
$ cvs import -m 'Imported ADOdb 4.60' _adodb PHPLENS_COM R4_60
$ cd ..
$ rm -fr adodb

Now, we're going to check it out from CVS and fix a bug we found:

$ cvs checkout _adodb
$ cd _adodb
...hack, chop, whittle...
$ cvs commit -m "Fixed bug #12345: Replace doesn't use native REPLACE command, if available"
$ cd ..
$ rm -fr _adodb

Now, we want to upgrade to version 4.62:

$ wget http://phplens.com/lens/dl/adodb462.tgz
$ tar xvzf adodb462.tgz
$ rm adodb462.tgz
$ cd adodb
$ cvs import -m 'Imported ADOdb 4.62' _adodb PHPLENS_COM R4_62

This command completed successfully, but reported the following:

1 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:

cvs checkout -j -jR4_62 _adodb

So, let's delete the imported directory:

$ cd ..
$ rm -fr adodb

And checkout as instructed above.

$ cvs checkout -jR4_60 -jR4_62 _adodb

Manually resolve any conflicts that were reported.

Now, let's commit our 4.60 changes into 4.62:

$ cvs commit -m 'Merged our 4.60 changes into 4.62'

And finally remove our directory:

$ rm -fr _adodb

(Source: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=UsingLibrariesInCVS)

Importing New Packages into CVS Modules

  1. If you are importing a module from TikiPro, firstly delete all CVS directories from the package.
  2. cd into the package directory you wish to import.
  3. Use the following to import the package {CODE()}$ cvs -qz5 -d:ext:bitweaver@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver import -m'IMPORT TikiPro CLYDE FINAL' _bit_sample BITWEAVER HEAD{CODE}
  4. Add the module and alias to CVSROOT/modules and append to modules alias bitweaverdev

Changing Branch for specific CVS modules

needed to move a package from HEAD into release module.
  1. modify CVSROOT/modules that the package is in the release module bitweaver
  2. cd to the module for which you want to change the branch tag
  3. cvs tag -R -b <branch>
  4. cvs up -r <branch>
  5. cvs commit
  6. to make sure it worked, you can remove the package dir and checkout the package again:
    1. cvs co -r <branch><cvs module="" /></branch></branch></branch></release></release></release></today></release></release></package></your_username>

Our CVS is hosted at Sourceforge. Usage information is in Section F of their documentation page. If you like, take a look at our groovy stats. And now, how Bitweaver CVS is organized:

Our CVS tree has one module for each package. However, a virtual module is use to create three primary distributions: bitweaver, bitweaverdev and bitweavercore. Every bitweaver release has a CVS branch named after it. The branch is created after we have gone into schema freeze for the project. For details on how to get code (checkout modules, branches, packages) please refer to this page: GetCode.

CVS Modules

Main modules

  • bitweaver - release material. These are the packages that are ready for general distribution.
  • bitweaverdev - all bitweaver packages that are currently available in CVS. Contains dangerously explosive stuff. Some packages are in serious flux and are not considered ready for general consumption. Gives you an idea of what great stuff is going to be available in the near future!
  • bitweavercore - contains all core modules without any clutter. Basically the minimum required to get a fully working version of bitweaver without any additional functionality.
  • packages - packages that were developed specifically for bitweaver are prepended with _bit_. For instance, the wiki package is called _bit_wiki in cvs. Third party applications such as phpBB are only prepended with an underscore, so to check out phpBB you check out _phpbb.

Other modules

  • _adodb - the latest import and merge of the adodb library supported by bitweaver
  • _smarty - the latest import and merge of the smarty library supported by bitweaver

To get a reliable list of all available modules and things that are available in CVS, please check out CVSROOT and view the modules file. There you can find the various modules and what virtual modules we have available and what exaclty they contain. To get the latest and greatest code from cvs HEAD, don't use any tags at all. For details, please refer to this page: GetCode.

CVS Branches

  • R# - R1 is equivalent to Release 1 and symbolises a stable release branch that will not undergo any API changes or database schema changes.
  • HEAD - no guarantees for stability provided. Might break at any time. There's no official support for this branch (still, you're welcome to join us on IRC if you have questions). Use this branch only if you are a developer.

(NOTE: As of 2007-11-19, HEAD is considered stable as we have released ReleaseTwo, but have not yet created an R2 branch)

As discussed in ReleaseProcess there are three active branches in CVS: STABLE, TESTING, and DEVELOPMENT. See ReleaseProcess for which branch is currently in which state.


DEVELOPMENT is the CVS trunk also known as HEAD. Fixes in STABLE get merged into TESTING as needed. Fixes in TESTING, including those from STABLE, get merged into HEAD as needed. Several tags are maintained on DEVELOPMENT, TESTING, and STABLE to manage the merge process. In general you should simple checkout the latest version of the brach you are working on. See ReleaseProcess for what should be done where.

  • Branch - Comment
    • Tag - Comment
    • Tag - Comment

HEAD - Current Mainline

This is the leading edge of development.

ReleaseOne R1

This is the version running on serveral sites and is considered stable. No database changes are made to this version and we try and maintain a stable environment.


Checkout bitweaver code

Pleaser refer to this page: GetCode.

Adding a package to R#

    cvs rtag 
-b R# <package>
e.g.: cvs rtag -b R1 _bit_calendar

Including 3rd party code in CVS

Please refer to UsingLibrariesInCVS. There you find an example (adoDB) for including 3rd party code in CVS.

Importing new packages into CVS Modules

If you you are reworking a module from or Features Boneyard to be included in bitweaver, you are importing a new package into CVS Modules:
  1. delete all CVS directories from the package.
  2. cd into the package directory you wish to import
  3. import the package:
    cvs -qz5 -d:ext:bitweaver@bitweaver.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver import -m'IMPORT TikiPro CLYDE FINAL' _bit_sample BITWEAVER HEAD
  4. add the module and alias to CVSROOT/modules and append to modules alias bitweaverdev

Changing branch for specific CVS modules

If you move a package from HEAD into release module, you need to change branch for a specific CVS module:
  1. modify CVSROOT/modules that the package is in the release module bitweaver
  2. cd to the module for which you want to change the branch tag
  3. cvs tag -R -b <branch>
  4. cvs up -r <branch>
  5. cvs commit
  6. to make sure it worked, you can remove the package dir and checkout the package again:
  7. optional: cvs co -r <branch><cvs module="">

How a release branch is created

In directory:

cvs -d:ext:..... co bitweaver

In /bitweaver directory:

cvs update -dP
cvs rtag -b -D <Today's Date Plus 1 Year: YYYY-MM-DD> <Release> bitweaver
cvs rtag -r <Release> <Release>_LASTMERGE bitweaver

Version Merging

How merge to HEAD is done

In R1/bitweaver directory

cvs update -dP
cvs tag -cF R1_NEXTMERGE

In merge/HEAD directory:

cvs -:ext:btodoroff@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver
cd bitweaver
cvs update -j R1_LASTMERGE -j R1_NEXTMERGE
cvs commit -"Merge recent changes from R1 into HEAD"
5cd ..
6rm -rf bitweaver
__Back in R1/bitweaver directory:__

NOTE about the -kk option: There is one major caveat with using `-kk' on merges. Namely, it overrides whatever keyword expansion mode CVS would normally have used. In particular, this is a problem if the mode had been `-kb' for a binary file. Therefore, if your repository contains binary files, you will need to deal with the conflicts rather than using `-kk'

Merging using Meld

Make sure you have Meld installed: Fedora Core: # yum -y install meld and then get R1 and HEAD into seperate directories:

-:ext:<username>@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -d biteaver_R1 -r R1 bitweaver
-:ext:<username>@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -d biteaver_HEAD bitweaver

Open meld, activate the CVS text filter in the preferences window, click on the new icon and select the 2 dirs: in the compare directories tab select bitweaver_R1 as the Mine directory and the bitweaver_HEAD directory as the Original directory. Merge the two, and commit to CVS. I don't think any tags are needed in CVS if this method is used, but i might be mistaken.</cvs></branch></branch></branch>
Page History
26 Mar 2008 (15:37 UTC)
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Jerry Russell66.25.205.23264
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11354
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11351
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11347
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11346
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