History of RSSPackage

Resource Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary __(RSS)__ is a lightweight multipurpose extensible metadata description and syndication format. It allows users to read headlines from your site with a dedicated RSS reader.

__The RSS Package both generates RSS feeds for you site, and lets you suck in RSS feeds from other sites.__

!!Finding Feeds Of Your Site
You can find the rss feeds of your site here:

!!Importing RSS Feeds Into Your Site
You can add RSS feeds to your site by going here:

!!!Display them on Wiki Pages or in Columns
Once you have added a connection to a feed into the site engine, you can display those feeds in both Wiki pages, and in side panel Modules. Both use the same plugin format:

{code} <curlybrace> rss id=n max=n <curlybrace> {/code}

Where id is the id of the rss feed (can be found on the admin page) and max is the number of items to display. There is an example in the Wiki plugin help, which you can see when editing a wiki page. The layout module accepts multiple feeds in one, so that if you would like to mix items from different feeds and have them displayed by most recently posted, you can! Just pass in more values to the id param, for example id=1,2,4

As of bitweaver version R2, the RSS Package uses [http://simplepie.org/|SimplePie] library to process feeds.
Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:28 UTC)
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