History of SearchPackage

Version 2


Content searching

Created by: Sean Lee, Last modification: 28 Jan 2006 (04:54 UTC) by Sean Lee
This package makes any content on your site searchable.

The indexing engine in Bitweaver would, every so-many clicks, would pick a random piece of content and index it. (This number of clicks is the "Search Refresh Rate" in administration->search->search settings). This tactic, I presume, is designed to limit index table additions, and prevent the overloading of the server or database engine.

The issue with "random" indexing is that when you submit an article, or wiki page - that page wouldn't necessarily ever get in the index. It is based on chance. If your site had enough traffic, the page would eventually get picked up. For smaller sites, however, this technique fails to deliver expected results - namely, submitted contet should get indexed and be findable using search.

There is now In CVS (after the 1.2.1 release) an additional indexing option called "Index On Submit". This causes content to be indexed immediately after it is created (except articles that require approval. That content is indexed only after approval).

Remaining issues that need to be tackled:
  • Make a site-wide or feature-wide reindex function
    • Once this is complete - it will be recommended that it is run an any new install of this version of search.
  • Fix the search filters (currently broken)
  • Allow Stop Words
  • Allow search to search phpbb
  • Make the search cache work
  • Make search into a Bitweaver "service"

Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:30 UTC)
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Sean Lee71.254.8.12310
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1908
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1907
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1906
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1905
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1904
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1903
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Sean Lee71.161.201.1902
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