History of Themes Package

Differences from version 12 to 15

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@

 You can also turn on and off selections of overall layout. Each package has different display Modes: display, list, edit, upload, admin. You can disable column presentation on a package and package mode basis. Select Administration -> Themes -> Column Control to tune the display of module areas.
 !!Layout Style
-You can rearrange the layout of the three middle module areas: left column, center, and right column by changing your Layout Style. Most themes shipped with bitweaver support this method of layout selection. Themes that support the layout style selection have a note of it in the description. This option lets you choose between fixed layouts, liquid layouts, having fixed or auto expanding areas, putting both columns to one side or another, etc. These options are most intuitive to understand by simply looking at the menu. Select Administration -> Themes -> Themes Manager and then the Style Layout tab.
+You can rearrange the layout of the three middle module areas: left column, center, and right column by changing your Layout Style. Most themes shipped with bitweaver support this method of layout selection. Themes that support the layout style selection have a note of it in the description. This option lets you choose between fixed layouts, liquid layouts, having fixed or auto expanding areas, putting both columns to one side or another, etc. These options are most intuitive to understand by simply looking at the menu. You can see an image of these options [http://www.bitweaver.org/photos/gallery/3/21|here] or by selecting Administration -> Themes -> Themes Manager and then the Style Layout tab in your bitweaver install.
 __For Developers:__ for more technical information about how the css of Themes and Layout Styles relate see ((StyleLayouts))
Page History
31 May 2009 (15:53 UTC)
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