__The following applies to (( ReleaseOne))__

! Server Settings Checker
you can download a server settings checker here, upload it to your server and point your browser at it. this should give you an overview of your servers settings and will allow you to determine if bitweaver can be installed on the server:
{file id=547 align=center}

! Generic Requirements
bitweaver is written in PHP and thus requires PHP and a webserver such as Apache or IIS

!!Operation Systems Supported
basically any system that can run a webserver and a database. the most common ones include:
* Linux
* Windows
* Mac

!!Databases Supported
you will need access to a table on either one of these databases
* [http://www.postgresql.org/|PostgreSQL] (tested extensively)
* [http://www.mysql.com/|MySQL] (tested extensively)
* [http://www.oracle.com/|Oracle] (needs some more testing)
* [http://www.sybase.com/|Sybase] (not tested much yet)
* [http://firebird.sourceforge.net/|Firebird] (not much but ((DatabaseTestsAndFixes-Firebird|thorough testing)))
* [http://www.sqlite.org/|SQLite] (not tested much yet)

!PHP Settings
The settings below are required by bitweaver to run. If any of these settings are not met, you will have to change these before you can continue with the installation process.

!!Required settings
Make sure that
*PHP version is greater than 4.1.0.
+(Firebird installations require PHP5 for enhanced driver module).
* Required PHP Modules (Libraries support) :
**[http://www.zlib.net/|zlib] compression support is available.
**php_session (default on most distros except suse)
**An image process ( gd or ImageMagick )
*the configuration file 'kernel/config_inc.php' is available and the file is writeable by web server.
*the directories 'storage/' and 'temp/' are writeable too.

!!Recommended settings
The following are settings that aren't strictly required by bitweaver to run, but are recommendations.

However, bitweaver will still operate if your settings do not quite match those recommended.

||Setting |Should be
Memory Limit |at least 16M
Safe Mode |OFF
Display Errors |ON
File Uploads |ON
Magic Quotes GPC |OFF
Magic Quotes Runtime |OFF
Register Globals |OFF
Output Buffering |OFF
Session auto start |OFF||

!!Settings worth knowing about
The following settings are merely for your information and are meant to help you work out problems that might occur.

__Maximum post size__ will restrict the size of files when you upload a file using a form.

__Upload max filesize__ is related to maximum post size and will also limit the size of uploads.

!Optional but Highly Recommended Extensions and Software

|eAccelerator] increases the efficiency of php by caching and optimising queries. Using this extension will greatly increase your servers performance and reduce the memory needed to run bitweaver.

[http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/|GhostScript] is an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF and is used to create PDF previews when uploading PDFs to fisheye. If you do not have this installed, previews of PDF files will not be generated on upload.

MagickWand the newer php extension for ImageMagick. For installation help, please view our online documentation: [http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/ImageMagick|ImageMagick and MagickWand installation instructions] or visit the [http://www.imagemagick.org/|ImageMagick] homepage.

Tarball is a common archiving format on Linux and [http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/|tar] is used to extract .tar files.

Bzip is a common compression format on Linux and [http://www.bzip.org/|bzip2] is used to extract .bz2 and in combination with tar .tar.bz2 file.

Gzip is a common compression format on Linux and [http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/gzip.html|gzip] is used to extract .gz and in combination with tar .tar.gz file.

Zip is a common compression format on all operating systems and [http://www.info-zip.org/|unzip] is used to extract .zip files.

Rar is a common compression format on all operating systems and [http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm|unrar] is used to extract .rar files.
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12 Sep 2013 (09:15 UTC)
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