History of LibertyFormats

LibertyPackage allows developers to specify various formats for data.

A plugin can be defined to allow and process data in a certain format. The formats can be enabled by an administrator on the Liberty>Plugins page.

Available formats:
* Tiki Wiki format is the default.
* HTML format

Plugins have three standard functions the LibertyEngine attempts to call at various times. You must name these functions using your format_guid as a prefix, followed by three possible endings. For example, if your format is 'bbcode', then your functions declared in liberty/plugins/format.bbcode.php must look like:

called automatically during object call to LibertyContent::store if the LibertyContent object has the format 'bbcode'^
called automatically during object call to LibertyContent::load if the LibertyContent object has the format 'bbcode'^
^!!!bbcode_verify_data( &$pParamHash )
The function called automatically during object call to LibertyContent::store method to verify proper syntax if the LibertyContent object has the format 'bbcode'.

It needs to copy the edit field to the ['content_store']['data'] hash for proper storage. For example:
function bbcode_verify_data( &$pParamHash ) {
$errorMsg = NULL;
$pParamHash['content_store']['data'] = bbcode_check_syntax( $pParamHash['edit'] );
return( $errorMsg );
returns an errorMsg if there was a syntax error with the format, else returns null.^
Page History
26 Aug 2006 (19:12 UTC)
added links, repaired code
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