History of NexusPackage

Version 5


A package for creating menus

Created by: xing, Last modification: 27 Jan 2005 (11:24 UTC) by xing

there has already been one additional plugin written by somone else. this plugin creates dropdowns that take you to the desired page when selected.

Current issues

Nexus is still in it's very early developement stages and thus has still got a lot of problems associated with it. currently i'm working on writing an efficient caching mechanism.


Nexus and Liberty

Nexus works closely with libertyPackage and makes it is easy to create menus to any content found therein. of course it's possible to create links to anywhere else as well. in fact, nexus allows you to specify what type of link it is and will create functional links accordingly. all you have to do is enter the correct content id, structure id or path within tikipro. external links are automatically recognised and a special class (external) that it's easy to mark these with a particular style.


nexus supports plugins for various different menus. this means that if you would like to use a different style of menu, you can add the approppriate plugin.

Suckerfish menus

CSS dropdown menus are functional including the javascript stuff to get it working for MSIE.

Formelement menus

This will generate a menu that resides in a dropdown box and upon selecting a given option, it takes you to that page.

TikiWiki menus

This plugin allows you to create menus reminiscent of the well known tikiwiki menus. The main difference to it's big brother is, that you can create a menu as many levels deep as you desire.

Flexible interface

nexus provides you with an easy to use interface to structurise your menus. they can be any number of levels deep, giving you unlimited freedom when it comes to menu creation.

Menu look is determined exclusively through CSS. this means that changing the look of the menu only requires some knowlegde of CSS.


Insert code into various packages

currenlty only the wiki has the required code to insert items into a menu while editing the page.


would be nice to allow the usage of icons.


would be good to allow the conversion of a structure to a nexus compatible menu (import is working appart from position assignment of items). might be good to read the structure straight from the db to ensure that the menu is updated automatically.
Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:29 UTC)
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