History of HowToGetIt

(:idea:) ReleaseOne Beta 1 Released -[https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=101599|Download now!]

-= Looking for Downloads? =-
There are many ways to ((GetCode|get code)) - (:arrow:) Looking for the latest code (currently ReleaseOne ) ? [/builds/bitweaver_clyde_fresh.tar.gz|Get a fresh build]. These are generated manually whenever the code base is in stable shape. Alternatively, developers familiar might be most comfortable with bitweaverCVS. Want to know more? Then ((GetInvolved|get involved)) and come chat live on ((ConnectingToIrc|our IRC channel)), or drop a message to the ((MailingLists)).

^ Developers should see the ((Technical_Documentation)) ^

-= SourceForge Project and Downloads =-
The SourceForge project page for bitweaver is [http://www.sf.net/projects/bitweaver]
{SPLIT()}{rss id=3}---{rss id=1}{SPLIT}

-= Got a Bug? =-
Log your bug at [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=101599&atid=630083|SourceForge Bug Tracker]!
Page History
21 Mar 2005 (17:09 UTC)
Meredith Lesly66.92.72.1631
Current • Source
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