Differences from version 3 to 10

@@ -1,5 +1,44 @@

-Unfortunately we haven't been able to do the testing and updates ourselves yet.
+! Safe mode
+''Safe_mode'' and ''open_basedir'' are security features of PHP (but removed in version 6). Some hosts enable them on their servers, some don't. Web applications written in PHP tend to have problems with safe_mode and/or open_basedir. It's important to note, that there is a difference between the restrictions ''safe_mode'' and ''open_basedir''. Your server might have safe_mode switched off but open_basedir switched on.
-However, you might be able to find some useful information on the tikiwiki site, a useful starting point might be: [http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=InstallTikiUnderSafeMode]
+Bitweaver has not been extensively tested on servers with safe_mode/open_basedir switched on. However, bitweaver does have code in place to run even with safe_mode/open_basedir enabled. __If you experience problems, please try the following tips one by one__. Please report how it worked out for you (comment on this page, in bitweaver's [/forums|forum], in ((ConnectingToIrc|bitweaver's IRC channel))).
+!! Session path
+Try setting an appropriate session.save_path by editing the file ''bit_setup_inc''. Set it to a path where bitweaver has write access, for instance bitweaver's temp directory with 777 perms.
+{code title="/bit_setup_inc"}
+// change the following line:
+// ini_set('session.save_path', 'C:\somewhere\I\can\write');
+// to:
+ini_set('session.save_path', '/yourbitweaver/temp/');
+!! Temp path
+To install bitweaver, you need a file called ''config_inc.php'' in /kernel/. Usually it can be 0 byte (empty), it only has to be writeable by bitweaver (e.g., perm 0777). To resolve safe_mode issues, open that file and paste only the following, and with the same path of the ''session.save_path'' setting above. (This file will get overwritten in the process of installing bitweaver. Error messages might pop up. Wait until after the installation is finished to change the path one last time.)
+{code title="/kernel/config_inc.php"}
+// This allows you to set a custom path to your PHP tmp directory - used for ADODB
+// caching if active, and other stuff This is usually only needed in very
+// restrictive hosting environments.
+$gTempDir = '/yourbitweaver/temp/';
+! More info
+!! SME server 7.1
+On SME server 7.1 with safe_mode enabled, if you are getting a blank page, try the approach below. Then restart apache (''/etc/init.d/httpd restart'').
+{code title="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"}
+// in your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf look for
+php_admin_value open_basedir /home/bitweaver/html
+// and add :/tmp to the end of the line so it looks like
+php_admin_value open_basedir /home/bitweaver/html:/tmp
+!! Links
+# Tikiwiki's page on the subject: [http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=InstallTikiUnderSafeMode]
+# ...
-We are working on a bitweaver tutorial for users who experience these issues.
Page History
15 Jul 2008 (16:11 UTC)
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