History of GettingHelp

bitweaver features an internal help system that provides help in virtually all forms and areas where you have to enter information. However, should you require more help, you can always contact us by any of the means mentioned below.

* If you want to find out more about existing packages and how to install them, you can find information at ((bitweaverFeatures)).
* Best methods to get in contact with us
** To connect to IRC please view ConnectingToIrc
** [http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=101599|Sourceforge mailing list]
** If you wish to report any bugs, we urge you to do this at [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=630083&group_id=101599&func=browse|Sourceforge]
** the [http://doc.bitweaver.org/forums/index.php|bitweaver Forums] might contain useful information.
** [http://doc.bitweaver.org/|bitweaver] currently contains all the documentation we have.
Page History
30 Sep 2009 (21:40 UTC)
fix IRC wiki link
Daniel Sutcliffe71.161.102.64
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