Differences from version 11 to 13

@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@

 Next, is the __{bithelp}__ tag. this will hopefully be a link to online help docuemntation at some point. it is currenlty not maintained well, but will be important in the future. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="floaticon">{bithelp}</div>{code}
-Ok, now the fun begins. The first thing we want is an all-encapsulating __<div>__ to help format the panel. We normally include a CSS class of the type of page and the same name as the package here, to help with per package look-and-feel. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="admin galaxia">{code}
+Ok, now the fun begins. The first thing we want is an all-encapsulating __< div>__ to help format the panel. We normally include a CSS class of the type of page and the same name as the package here, to help with per package look-and-feel. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="admin galaxia">{code}
-Within this __<div>__, we now start the __header__ section of the page and place the title of the page within __<h1>__ tags.
-We use the __{tr}...{/tr}__ tags to translate text for different languages.{code source=Html4Strict}<div class="header">
+Within this ))<div>((, we now start the __header__ section of the page and place the title of the page within __< h1>__ tags. We use the __{tr}...{/tr}__ tags to translate text for different languages.{code source=Html4Strict}<div class="header">
  <h1>{tr}Admin process roles{/tr}</h1>
Page History
09 Jun 2010 (09:12 UTC)
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1136
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