Differences from version 8 to 13

@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@

 Next, is the __{bithelp}__ tag. this will hopefully be a link to online help docuemntation at some point. it is currenlty not maintained well, but will be important in the future. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="floaticon">{bithelp}</div>{code}
-Ok, now the fun begins. The first thing we want is an all-encapsulating __<div>__ to help format the panel. We normally include a CSS class of the type of page and the same name as the package here, to help with per package look-and-feel. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="admin galaxia">{code}
+Ok, now the fun begins. The first thing we want is an all-encapsulating __< div>__ to help format the panel. We normally include a CSS class of the type of page and the same name as the package here, to help with per package look-and-feel. {code source=Html4Strict}<div class="admin galaxia">{code}
-Within this __<div>__, we now start the __header__ section of the page and place the title of the page within <h1> tags. We use the __{tr}...{/tr}__ tags to translate text for different languages.{code source=Html4Strict}<div class="header">
+Within this ))<div>((, we now start the __header__ section of the page and place the title of the page within __< h1>__ tags. We use the __{tr}...{/tr}__ tags to translate text for different languages.{code source=Html4Strict}<div class="header">
  <h1>{tr}Admin process roles{/tr}</h1>

@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@

  { include file="bitpackage:Galaxia/process_nav.tpl"}
  {if count($errors) > 0}
  <div class="error">
- {tr}This process is invalid{/tr}:<br />
+ {tr}This process is invalid{/tr}:
  {formfeedback hash=$errors}

@@ -65,7 +66,15 @@

-Next, is our SAVE button and closing the form. Similar to the form inputs. The __{smartlink}__ tag is used for...(I don't know what this does yet? But it appears everywhere. - wolff_borg){code source=Html4Strict} <div class="row submit">
+<label> is used to ''link'' a text filed to a particular input field using an id. in the above example, the label links to the input filed that has the description id.
+formlebel simplifies and standardises the use of <label for=""></label>. this should make the use of labels easier in bitweaver and should improve access for handicapped people since it allows the user to determine what text elements belong to what input fields.
+the forminput simply inserts a div class around the input area with the correct class names. the reason why we use this, is that we can potentially exchange all div driven forms with tables and it should simplify upgrading to XFORMS in the future.
+Next, is our SAVE button and closing the form. Similar to the form inputs. The __{smartlink}__ tag is used to simplify the insertion of html links. originally created for the simple insertion of links in tables to create links for sorting tables. {code source=Html4Strict} <div class="row submit">
  <input type="submit" name="save" value="{if $info.role_id > 0}{tr}Update{/tr}{else}{tr}Create{/tr}{/if}" />
  {if $info.role_id > 0}
  &nbsp; {smartlink ititle="New Role" pid=$info.p_id}

@@ -78,4 +87,5 @@

 We close the BODY and page, using the following.{code source=Html4Strict} </div><!-- end .body -->
 </div><!-- end .galaxia -->
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09 Jun 2010 (09:12 UTC)
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