Version 1


A breif guide to maintaining highest standard templates and CSS

Created by: xing, Last modification: 29 Jun 2005 (16:52 UTC) by xing
we have dedicated a lot of our time to tidy up our php, templates and css, which seems to be greatly appreciated by anyone who decides to delve into the guts of bitweaver.

to maintain this high standard and make it easy for new developers to understand what is going on, we would like to ask you to stick to these few simple rules:

  • please maintain all indenting in the template files. i know everyone has different ideas of what the real way to do intenting is, but the bitweaver way is to indent using tabs, every nested tag is indented and smarty block commands are treated like html tags in terms of indenting. if you are worried about excess white space, it is stripped using the {strip} tags in virtually all templates.
  • please try to reuse css classes. try to make yourself familiar with how classes are used in bw by viewing some template files and by visiting pages such as ThemeTutorial and CssSchema. we have been working with bitweaver for quite some time now, and there has been virtually no occasions where we've had to introduce new classes.
  • if you should feel that you need more classes to get the styling you require, you might want to consider creating a custom theme where you store your custom template files.
  • please try not to add definitions to base.css unless you've tested the changes with all themes that use it. this file is used by several other themes and other users might not appreciate your custom settings. hell, we even have individual classes for every single wiki page.
  • this point i cannot stress enough: check your html code on w3c! if you think it's tedious, use a browser like firefox and use the web developers extension. better yet, use opera, and hit <alt><ctrl><v>, which will upload the file to w3c and get it checked (since it uploads the file automatically, you can even use a local URL).

it would be a shame to see sloppy php / html code being reintroduced into this rather quite clean code again, after having tidied it up.</v></ctrl></alt>
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