History of GetCode

Differences from version 23 to 26

@@ -1,28 +1,18 @@

-! Possibility 1: checkout code from CVS
+! Possibility 1: clone from GitHub
-CVS checkout is for you if you are a developer of Bitweaver and contribute code, __or if__ you're keen to see ''whats cookin'' ... the sooner-or-later-to-be-released code of Bitweaver and its packages.
-__How: CVS checkout details__
-Please note that you might have to apply database updates manually: __((SchemaChangelog))__
-* anonymous access (anybody can checkout)
-** uses a mirrored CVS and has a 24h code delay with the :ext: method indicated below
-** ++yellow:cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver++
-* developer access (see [http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=101599|members of the bitweaver project])
-** make sure you "export CVS_RSH=ssh" in your /etc/profile or CVS shell first
-** ++yellow:cvs -d :ext:yourusername@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver++
-* to get a release version specify it like so. __Note that the upcoming release R3 is on HEAD right now__:
-** ++yellow:cvs -d :ext:yourusername@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co -r R1 bitweaver++
-* to get the latest and greatest from cvs HEAD, don't use any tags at all:
-** ++yellow:cvs -d :ext:yourusername@bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bitweaver++
+GitHub is for you if you are a developer of Bitweaver and contribute code, __or if__ you're keen to see ''whats cookin'' ... the sooner-or-later-to-be-released code of Bitweaver and its packages.
-If you are unfamiliar with cvs download the [http://refcards.com/author/gregoirel|one page cvs manual] and print out a collated copy for your desk. It works well as manual and beer coaster. Visit ((bitweaverCVS)) [http://essaywritingservices.org/book-report.php|online book reports] for details on how our CVS is structured.
+Because of it's modularity, bitweaver makes extensive use of [git submodules].
+See instrcution on ((git|how to git clone bitweaver)).
 ! Possibility 2: download from /builds directory
 Downloading an archive from our /builds directory is for you if you want to get the __latest official release__ or if you want to download weekly builds - __beta versions__ of Bitweaver.
-In [/builds|our /builds directory] you find __weekly releases__ that are built by hand at arbitrary points when the codebase is pretty stable. It is always advised to get the most recent possible. Weekly builds are not production ready, but should be reliable enough to install and get familiar with the Bitweaver Framework. The [/builds|/builds directory] [http://cvresumewriters.com/onlineresume.php|certified resume writers] also holds the latest (and previous) official releases.
+In [/builds|our /builds directory] you find __weekly releases__ that are built by hand at arbitrary points when the codebase is pretty stable. It is always advised to get the most recent possible. Weekly builds are not production ready, but should be reliable enough to install and get familiar with the Bitweaver Framework. The [/builds|/builds directory] also holds the latest (and previous) official releases.
 ! Possibility 3: download from Sourceforge
Page History
05 May 2012 (16:26 UTC)
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Lester Caine81.138.11.13624
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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