! What are Pigeonholes?
»Pigeonholes« is a service to categorize content. It replaces the ((CategoriesPackage|legacy package)). Pigeonholes makes it easy to __organize, search and group content in hierarchically nested categories__.

!! What it does
Pigeonholes allows you to create a set of containers (each of which is a pigeonhole). You can move them relative to each other in a nested system. To illustrate this (Pigeonholes are in red and content in blue):
* ~~red:pigeonhole 1~~
** ~~blue:wiki page 1~~
** ~~blue:wiki page 2~~
** ~~blue:wiki page 3~~
** ~~blue:blog post 1~~
** ~~red:pigeonhole 1.1~~
*** ~~blue:image 1~~
*** ~~blue:image 2~~
*** ~~blue:wiki page 1~~
*** ~~red:pigeonhole 1.1.1~~
**** ~~blue:image 1~~
**** ~~blue:image 2~~
** ~~red:pigeonhole 1.2~~
*** ~~blue:blog post 1~~
*** ~~blue:blog post 2~~
*** ~~blue:image 1~~

The red content sits in their respective categories. There are options on how to display the related items in the same category and you can assign multiple content items easily by using the assign content page. This allows you to select a number of content items and add them to individual categories by simply checking the appropriate checkboxes. It's a very easy and quick way to keep your data categorised and up to date.

!! Incorporation
Pigeonholes is a service and therefore incorporates itself seamlessly into any content package that supports services. These include articles, wiki, blog posts …

When it comes to editing a wiki page or a blog post, you can assign the content to one or more Pigeonholes by selecting them using a list such as this one:
[ ] pigeonhole 1
[ ] pigeonhole 1 >> pigeonhole 1.1
[ ] pigeonhole 1 >> pigeonhole 1.1 >> pigeonhole 1.1.1
[ ] pigeonhole 1 >> pigeonhole 1.2

!! Security
It is possible to assign a group or a permission to a given category, so that users of only that group, or users who have given permission, may view the content within it (not possible in Bitweaver version below 2). Pigeonhole permissions are inherited from their parents. For instance, in the above example, if __pigeonhole 1.1__ were assigned to the group __Registered__ only registered users can view that content. The same applies for __pigeonhole 1.1.1__ but not for __pigeonhole 1.2__.

!! Memory
LibertyStructure has been tightened to only use a couple of database queries per structure. Wiki books (structures) as well as Pigeonholes perform great, while using a considerably low number of database queries.
Page History
09 Oct 2008 (05:40 UTC)
added alias, changed wording
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