History of SetupMSSQL

Differences from version 17 to 20

@@ -3,24 +3,41 @@

 This guide assumes (and has been tested on):
 *Windows 2000 Server
 *IIS 5.0
-*MSDE (SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition)
+*MS-SQL Server 2000 or MS-SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition (MSDE)
 *Bitweaver 1.0.3+
-*PHP 5.0.4+
+*PHP 4.3+ or 5.0.4+
-**I had to set up IIS to use ISAPI - don't remember atm if this was a MSSQL-specific thing or just a Windows / IIS specific thing
+**I had to set up IIS to use ISAPI - don't remember atm if this was a MSSQL-specific thing or just a Windows / IIS specific thing - cruggles
 #Setup PHP (with ISAPI)
-**Download the [http://www.php.net/downloads.php|PHP 4.4.0 zip package]
-**Extract __php-x.x.x-Win32\ extensions\ php_mssql.dll__ to __C:\ PHP__
+**Download the [http://www.php.net/downloads.php|PHP 4.x.x or PHP 5.x.x zip package]
+**Extract __php-x.x.x-Win32\extensions\ php_mssql.dll__ to __C:\ PHP__
 **Uncomment __extension=php_mssql.dll__ to the extensions section of __php.ini__
 **__PHP5:__ Add php5isapi.dll against ".php" to Application extension mappings
-#Setup DB - TIP: To set up the databases you can use Enterprise Manager (for SQL Server) or another tool (MSDE does not ship with Enterprise Manager). A good, free one is [http://www.asql.biz/DbaMgr/DownLoad2k.shtm|DBA Manager 2k]. The new SQL Server 2005 Express release can also be used, and there is a tool on the Microsoft site which allows you to browse your databases (you have to use SQL to make any changes though).
-#Add login IUSR_<servername> and make sysadmin (server role)
-#Create a database, it can be called anything you like, you are prompted for this during installation
-#Add IUSR_ as db_owner role on that database
-#Extract bitweaver 1.0.3 files
-#Change /util/phpsniff/phpSniff.class.php line 188 HTTP_SERVER_VARS to _SERVER
-#Change /util/adodb/drivers/adodb-mssql.inc.php line 661 - 666 from:
+#Setup DB
+** TIP: To set up the databases you can use Enterprise Manager (for SQL Server) or another tool (MSDE does not ship with Enterprise Manager). A good, free one is [http://www.asql.biz/DbaMgr/DownLoad2k.shtm|DBA Manager 2k]. The new SQL Server 2005 Express release can also be used, and there is a tool on the Microsoft site which allows you to browse your databases (you have to use SQL to make any changes though).
+** In ''Enterprise Manager'', right-click on the database server, and select __Properties__
+*** Change to the __Security__ tab, and change __Authentication__ to ''SQL Server and Windows''
+*** Press OK - you will be prompted to restart the SQL Server service.
+** Expand folders until you see the __Security / Logins__ folder
+*** Right-click and select __New login...__
+*** Enter database user name eg ''bitweaver''
+*** For __Authentication__, select __SQL Server Authentication__
+*** Enter a password
+*** Switch to the __Server Roles__ tab, and check the __System Administrators__ checkbox
+*** Press OK and confirm your password
+** Right-click on the __Databases__ folder and select __New Database...__
+*** Enter a __Name__ eg ''bitweaver''
+*** Press OK
+** Right-click on the newly created database, and select __New / Database User..._
+*** For __Login name__, select previously created user eg ''bitweaver''
+*** Check the __db_owner__ checkbox
+*** Press OK
+# Visit your homepage [http://localhost/bitweaver/install/install.php]
+# Follow the step and when prompted for database connection details, enter the information as created above.
+# If you are unsuccessful at installing, you may need to do the following to get it to work- cruggles:
+## Change /util/phpsniff/phpSniff.class.php line 188 HTTP_SERVER_VARS to _SERVER
+## Change /util/adodb/drivers/adodb-mssql.inc.php line 661 - 666 from:
 {CODE()}if ($len > 4000 ) {
  // NVARCHAR is max 4000 chars. Let's use NTEXT

@@ -38,7 +55,6 @@

 ; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.
 ;mssql.textsize = 4096^
 Outstanding issues:
 *Concatenates wiki body text (assuming at 255 chars)^I think this is a general IE bug? [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1258034&group_id=141358&atid=749176|SF#1258034] - wolff_borg^
Page History
28 Aug 2005 (10:31 UTC)
Added step by step instructions
Stephan Borg218.214.1.11320
Current • Source
Stephan Borg218.214.1.11318
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11317
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11316
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11315
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11314
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1989
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1985
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1984
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1981
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