History of SetupMSSQL

Version 5


Instructions on how to setup BitWeaver on Microsoft SQL Server

Created by: Chris Ruggles, Last modification: 02 Aug 2005 (05:03 UTC) by Chris Ruggles

You should first read How to install Bitweaver under IIS 5

This guide assumes (and has been tested on):
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • IIS 5.0
  • MSDE (SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition)
  • Bitweaver 1.0.1
  • PHP 5.0.4

Firstly, create a new database in Enterprise Manager (SQL Server) or another tool (MSDE does not ship with Enterprise Manager). A good, free one is DBA Manager 2k. It can be called anything you like, I called mine 'BitWeaver'.

Create a new login in your database with the same name as the IIS anonymous user (default is 'servername\IUSR_servername'). Give that user the sysadmin server role and db_owner role on the database you just created.

Some modifications were made to the following files to get BitWeaver working:

in /util/phpsniff/phpSniff.class.php, change "HTTP_SERVER_VARS" to "_SERVER" on line 188, eg:

added this below "case "mssql"" in "function convertQuery" (about line 552, /kernel/BitDb.php):
$pQuery = preg_replace("/`/", "", $pQuery);
$pQuery = str_replace("AS user,", "AS user_login,", $pQuery);
$pQuery = str_replace("=? ASC", " ASC", $pQuery);
$pQuery = str_replace("=? DESC", " DESC", $pQuery);
changed this function in /user/BitUser.php (about line 1003):
{CODE()}function isPasswordDue() {
$ret = FALSE;
if( $this->isRegistered() ) {
// get user_id to avoid NULL and zero confusion
$query = "SELECT `user_id`, `pass_due`
FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."users_users`
WHERE `pass_due` IS NOT NULL AND `login`=? ";
$due = $this->GetAssoc( $query, array( (string) $this->mUserId ) );
if( !empty( $dueuser_id>'user_id' ) ) {
$ret = $duepass_due>'pass_due' <= date("U");
return $ret;
Page History
28 Aug 2005 (10:31 UTC)
Added step by step instructions
Stephan Borg218.214.1.11320
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11318
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11317
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11316
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11315
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11314
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1989
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1985
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1984
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Chris Ruggles202.138.208.1981
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