- ititle (required) words that are displayed
- ianchor (optional) set the anchor where the link should point to
- isort (optional) name of the sort column without the orientation (e.g.: title)
- isort_mode(optional) this can be used to manually pass the sort mode to smartlink
overrides the value given in $_REQUEST['sort_mode'], which is the default
- iorder (optional) if set to asc or desc, it sets the default sorting order of this particular column<br>
asc is default
- idefault (optional) if set, it will highlight this link if no $isort_mode is given
this should only be set once per sorting group since it represents the default sorting column<br>
- itype (optional) can be set to
url --> outputs only url
li --> outputs link as &lt;li&gt;&lt;a ... &gt;&lt;/li&gt;
- ionclick (optional) pass in any actions that should occur onclick
- ibiticon (optional) if you want to display an icon instead of text use ibiticon
format is: '&lt;ipackage&gt;/&lt;iname&gt;'
e.g.: 'liberty/edit'
- iurl (optional) pass in a full url
- ifile (optional) set the file where the link should point (default is the current file)
- ipackage (optional) set the package the link should point to (default is the current package)
- * (optional) anything else that gets added to the pile of items is appended using &amp;$key=$val
- ihash (optional) you can pass in all the above as an array called ihash or secondary * items common to all links
Output: any kind of link. especially useful when it comes to links used to sort a table, due to the simplified syntax and loss of cumbersome if clauses
also useful if the you want to display an icon as link since smartlink takes biticon parameters
Example - {smartlink ititle="Page Name" isort="title"}
- {smartlink ititle="Page Name" isort="title" iorder="desc" idefault=1}
setting iorder and idefault here, makes this link sort in a descending order by default (iorder)
and it is highlighted when $isort_mode ( or $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] ) is not set (idefault)
Note Don't use this plugin if ititle is generated dynamically since it is passed through tra()
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16 Jan 2007 (13:43 UTC)
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