This page is for developers. Please add to, and comment on this page if you would like to help develop the core of bitweaver. If you are NOT a developer, please do not edit this page. You may leave suggestions in the comments.

!In Development
!!Centralize Network Communication Handling
((SwitchboardPackage)) is being completed to deal with the various complexities of network communications.

__project owner:__ wjames5
__contact:__ wjames5 on IRC freenode #bitweaver
__development code:__ cvs co -r tekimaki _bit_switchboard
__sponsor:__ [http://tekimaki.com|tekimaki]

Goal: develop Switchboard to be universal transport gateway for all messaging, such as email, sms, aim. Any kind of transaction can be facilitated through switchboard. Such as enabling two way email interaction with ((BoardsPackage)) posts (e.g. sending and receiving posts like a mail list), to posting photos, videos, audio files etc, to ((TreasuryPackage)) from a phone. Also see [http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/mailhandler|Drupal Mailhandler] and [http://www.chatterous.com/].

State: Switchboard is now distributed with Bitweaver and LibertyCommments makes use of it for notification events.

Todo: Migrate more core communication components onto Switchboard.

!Ideas for Release 3 of bitweaver
!!Remove distinctions between modules and "central" modules so any module can be located in any area.

!!Register module profiles during layout editing so we can know details, such as optional parameters the module takes.

!!Continue cleanup of ((BoardsPackage)) to bring it to level of phpbb
We should build out a list of specific todos - perhaps on the Boards package page. and we can point there for what needs doing.

Key missing features:
* Nested boards - the schema exists, logic and template support is needed.
* Nice pagination
* Ability to add lots and lots of custom smilies. forum people are smiley insane
* Signatures
* Integration with MessagesPackage (go through switchboard)
* Configurable cute little user level based on number of posts, eg "Noob" 0 < 10 posts, "Getting Aquantned" 10->100, "I'm a Regular", 100 -> 1000 "Old timer" > 1000 posts

!!Port Drupal Project Module to Manage Package Pages
We should endeavor to make package release easier and friendlier. Look at http://drupal.org/project/project which I believe drives the project pages on drupal.org.

!!Add History to Translations
this would allow sites to open translating to far more people. Each string would have a history.

!!!Edit Sections of Pages
The ability to edit sections of pages rather than always having to edit the entire page. [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_feature_list|Mediawiki] supports this feature.

Allows reuse of content without making mulitple copies. See:
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Transclusion_costs_and_benefits|Wikipedia article on Transclusion
*[http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?TransClusion|Usemod Article]
*[http://purplewiki.blueoxen.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TransClusion|description] of Transclusion support in PurpleWiki.

* Remote API (Atom, RSS2, etc) to interact with other sites or desktop apps [/spider]
Page History
26 Apr 2010 (11:51 UTC)
vandalized the page
Benjamin Couhe86.20.144.4621
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