!This is a page for Bitweaver Roadmap planning
Please add to, and comment on this page.

!!Proposed Features
!!!Native Forums
!!!Improved Comment Retrieval Performance
The current storage method for comments does not allow easy retrieval of a range of comments if a tree structure (i.e. replies to indiv comments) has been used.
Drupal has a scheme for creating comment keys such that comments can be tree structured, but easily retrieved in chunks with a single query.
Not difficult to implement, but requires a schema change.
!!!Gateway between email and Content creation, Forums, comments, etc.

!!!Universal Discussion
We have many possible ways for discussions:
* mailing lists
* forums
* blogs
* wiki-pages

Seems like it should be possible with central content management to make a discussion appear in all of these formats simultaneously. Each just being a different way of viewing the same information. email gateways to blogs and forums are pretty common, Zwiki has email to wiki, Drupal has email to content functions, comments are pretty much equivalent to to forums replies in concept.
IRC is a little harder, but while content -> IRC might not be practical except as summary, IRC -> content shouldn't be too hard.

Interfacing content with forums would probably be more practical with some kind of native forum implementation.

!!!Edit Sections of Pages
The ability to edit sections of pages rather than always having to edit the entire page. [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_feature_list|Mediawiki] supports this feature.

Page History
26 Apr 2010 (11:51 UTC)
vandalized the page
Benjamin Couhe86.20.144.4621
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