History of TinymcePackage


[http://tinymce.moxiecode.com|TinyMCE] is a rich text editor. This means, that input areas for content look like an Office program. Users mark some text, then click on a button ''B'' or hit Ctrl+B on their keyboard, and instantly see the marked text __bold__. TinyMCE is XHTML compliant: once the users clicks ''safe'', TinyMCE will markup the bold text with the XHTML tag -+strong+-. It is browser independent, written in Javascript, and released as Open Source under LGPL by [http://moxiecode.com|Moxiecode Systems AB].

! How to enable TinyMCE in Bitweaver
# Download the package and unpack it in your Bitweaver directory.
# Enable TinyMCE in -+Admin > Kernel > Packages+-.
# Enable HTML in -+Admin > Liberty > Plugins > Format+-. Consider setting HTML as ''default'' format.
# Enable the ability to input HTML for the user group of your choice in -+Admin > Users > Groups & Permissions+-.

! Upgrade to a newer version of TinyMCE
You can upgrade TinyMCE - even if you don't upgrade bitweaver. Note that TinyMCE's language files are now to be downloaded seperately, if needed.
# [http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/download.php|download] new version of __TinyMCE__ and unzip into yourbitweaverdirectory/tinymce/jscripts (note that the directory structure differs slightly from the stucture found in the downloaded archive)
# [http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/download.php|download] the __TinyMCE compressor__, unzip into yourbitweaverdirectory/tinymce/jscripts

! Tips & tricks
!! plugins example: Fullscreen
Several [http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/tinymce/docs/reference_plugins.html|native plugins] are included. The plugin __fullscreen__ can be useful if your pages have lots of text. The plugin adds a button to popup a full screen editor window. Open ))TinyMCE(('s ))header_inc.tpl((. Find the appropriate lines and add the fullscreen info where it belongs:
{code source="php" title="yourbitweaverdirectory/tinymce/templates/header_inc.tpl"}
original: plugins : "table",
changeto: plugins : "table,fullscreen",

original: theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : "tablecontrols,separator",
changeto: theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : "tablecontrols,separator,fullscreen",

!! Leave HTML code alone
By default, ))TinyMCE(( strips certain HTML tags or even attributes. This can be unwanted if you switch from WYSIWYG to HTML to do some quick adjustments. To prevent the striping, ad __valid_elements : "*[*]"__ in yourbitweaverdirectory/tinymce/templates/header_inc.tpl

!! Site's style for the edit area
It can be useful to make the editing area look just like your site. Gives an instant-preview impression. Yellow warning: things ''could'' get messy if, for instance, your body has a dark background color, and your content area is light. Tiny's editing area would get its background color from your site's body ... well, nothing that you couldn't override in your site's CSS. Advantage: you don't have to alter the CSS files found in /tinymce/jscripts/themes/ and thus keep your own styling informations in your own style folder. Less worry in case of a Tiny update. Work this line:

{code source="php" title="yourbitweaverdirectory/tinymce/templates/header_inc.tpl"}
original: content_css : "{$smarty.const.THEMES_STYLE_URL}tinymce/tinymce.css",
changeto: content_css : "{$smarty.const.THEMES_STYLE_URL}{$style}.css",
Page History
26 Apr 2009 (08:54 UTC)
Lester Caine81.138.11.1368
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paul greavy83.199.246.2076
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