This page lists changes in functionality and bug fixes for ReleaseTwo. If you are looking for something else, you may want to see:
* ((SchemaChangelog)) for alterations to the database schema
* ((TemplateChangelog)) for system wide alterations to the templates
* ((CssChangelog)) for alterations to the CSS classes

Here you can download a [/doc/ChangeLog.bz2|complete changelog].

!Release 2.6 Changes
*Cool optional javascript tools added: Fancy Zoom for images and PDF viewer. And a utility to convert pdfs to shockwave swfs for in page display.
*((SwitchboardPackage)) is integrated into the release as the new centralized Message Transport system. It currently supports sending email notifications for new commments on content, and is used by the groups packages for other various email notifications. This is an exciting launching point for future bitweaver message transport as Switchboard contains a plugin system to enable easy future integration with AIM, IRC, Twitter, etc, etc. We'd love to have you develop plugins for new transports.
*Files can now be uploaded with comments. This is especially useful in the Boards package where forum admins want to allow users to attach files to discussions.
*Also released is the Groups Package which can be ((GroupsPackage|downloaded separately)). Groups package has a number of dependencies, make sure you have everything else needed to run this package.
*For developers, our ((SamplePackage)) has been greatly cleaned up to keep it up to speed with the latest bitweaver changes.
*For Developers New search service added, enabling packages to modify search interfaces to add/limit search criteria.
*New ((SharethisPackage)) added to make integration of Sharethis service easy.
*Third party icon updates added
*FCKHtml editor conflicts with ajax attachments and ajax comments resolved
*Boards comments permalink bug fixed
*Inline login when posting comments
*Option to delete all user content when a user is deleted (aka the Spamzooka)
*Fix commment edit permission leak
*Updated icon sets for Tango, Gnome, and High Contrast
Page History
15 Nov 2009 (14:22 UTC)
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Lester Caine81.138.11.13610
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