# Every Plugin Help Page should be Categorized. Select the Categorize Tab and check "Documentation » Plugins". This allows all of the Plugin Help Pages to be displayed at the bottom of the page under __Related Items__
# All of the Plugin Help Pages should have a Description - I use: The Plugin xxx Help Page
# Most of the following should be included on every Plugin Help Page. ~~
! Introduction
{maketoc} Provide a short Introduction. This should briefly state what the plugin does. I also like to include a link to the page ((DataPlugins)).
! History
Most of the Plugins originally came from ))TikiWiki(( but check the source file (I made sure that all of the Authors and their email address were correct). Lets give credit where it is due.
If it does come from ))TikiWiki(( - then search [http://tikiwiki.org|TikiWiki] or the [http://doc.tikiwiki.org|TikiWiki Doc Site] for information on it. Do __Not__ rely too heavily on that source though. Veryify that it is still correct. The original idea and source may have came from ))TikiWiki(( - but every Plugins was rewritten for bitweaver and __many operational changes were made!__ The largest change was the inclusion of the variable __~np~$pluginParams['requires_pair'] => FALSE~/np~__ which allows Plugins to use a single Code Block. Most Plugins that don't operate on data placed between Code Blocks were changed. Some parameters name were also changed - although I did try to minimize those changes.
Again - Check the Code!
! Summary
Provide a more detailed explanation of what the Plugin Does.

! How It Works?
Check the Source Code
If the variable __~np~$pluginParams['requires_pair'] => TRUE~/np~__ then include:
This Plugin operates on the data placed between the Code Blocks - see the Heading __Between The Code Blocks__
If the variable __~np~$pluginParams['requires_pair'] => FALSE~/np~__ then include:
This Plugin operates with a single Code Blocks. That is - only a single call to the Plugin is required

A brief explanation should also be provided to explain how the Plugin operates. That should include when and where it should be used.

!- The Plugin's Help
The Plugin ))PluginHelp(( has been rewritten and should be available soon - so change xxxxx in the following line to the TAG of the Plugin.
{PLUGINHELP plugin='xxxxx' }

! Between the Code Blocks
Note: This heading should only be included when a Plugins has the variable __~np~$pluginParams['requires_pair'] => TRUE~/np~__
For those of you who don't know - when we say the word Code Block - we are referring to the way you call a Plugin. Some Plugins only use a single Code Block to operate while others need two. Examples are:
* __~np~{AGENTINFO info= }~/np~__ requires a Single Code Block
* __~np~{CODE source= num= }Sorce Code{/CODE}~/np~__ requires Two Code Blocks. The first is __~np~{CODE source= num= }~/np~__ and the second is __~np~{/CODE}~/np~__.
Nearly all Plugins that require 2 Code Blocks do so because they expect a lot of data and are designed to work on it.

Note: Some Plugins use Key-Words or some other device between the Code Blocks. If this one does - Specify what it is and how it works like this:
The Data between the Code Blocks falls into three Classifications: __Class A / Class B / & Class C__.
* A Character Sequence is used to separate that Data into their appropriate Classes. By Default Character Sequence is __***__ but can be redefined with the Parameter __SomeParameterName__.
* __Class A__ does this.
* __Class B__ does that.
* __Class C__ does the other thing.

! Examples
Most of the examples demonstrate what the Plugin does by setting Parameters and explaining what they are there for. When there are a lot of parameters - this becomes difficult. One method to do it is using a build-up scheme. Each Example adds a single parameter to those used in the previous Example.

At any rate - be sure that each Example shows exactly what is happening by showing the parameters being set. This is easily done by coping the ))WikiSyntax(( that calls the Plugin and placing it inside ~123~np~123~ blocks like this: __~123~np~123~~np~{AGENTINFO info= }~/np~~123~np~123~__
With some plugins this does not work. When it doesn't - try replacing the each __{__ character with the tilde (~) character / the numbers 123 / and another tilde character. The trailing __}__ characters can be replaced as well with a tilde the number 125 and another tilde character. The trailing __}__ characters don't normally cause any problem though.
Because we get a link out of all capitalized words - add a double ) and double ( around the Plugins Name to prevent the link. See the example in the code.
!!- Example 1 - Different Ways To Show Parameters
Using np - ^__~np~{CODE }Sorce Code{CODE}~/np~^__ {CODE }Sorce Code{CODE}
Replacing the { } Characters - ^__~123~))CODE(( ~125~Sorce Code~123~CODE~125~^__ {CODE }Sorce Code{CODE}
Page History
18 May 2008 (20:45 UTC)
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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