For our purposes, let's assume we work for company "Foo" and we need to write a completely custom authentication piece.

!Step 1: Create your ((Tutorial_Custom_Package|custom package))

All wee need from that tutorial are steps 1 and 4 (a directory and a bit_setup_inc.php - tables are not required). Assume we make a package called __foocore__. Your foocore/bit_setup_inc.php should look something like:

{code source="bash"}
global $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
$registerHash = array(
'package_name' => 'foocore',
'package_path' => dirname( __FILE__ ).'/',
$gBitSystem->registerPackage( $registerHash );

if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'foocore' ) ) {
// FooUser is our instantiated users class
require_once( FOOCORE_PKG_PATH.'FooUser.php' );
$gBitSystem->setConfig( 'user_class', 'FooUser' );


!Step 2: Create a custom class that overrides the default bitweaver user, BitPermUser. This file will be __foocore/FooUser.php__

{code source="bash"}

// It is likely this gets included prior to scanning users/bit_setup_inc.php
$userDir = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ).'/users/';
require_once( $userDir.'BitPermUser.php' );

class FooUser extends BitPermUser {
function BitPermUser() {

function login( $pLogin, $pPassword ) {
if( $somethingProprietaryNeedsDoing ) {
if( proprietary_authorize( $pLogin, $pPassword ) ) {
$this->synchronizeBitUser( $matches[1], $pLogin, $pPassword );
} else {
// we can use standard bitweaver auth process
$ret = parent::login( $pLogin, $pPassword );
return $ret;

function synchronizeBitUser( $pUserId, $pLogin, $pPassword ) {
if( $this->verifyId( $pUserId ) ) {
$userRow = $this->mDb->getRow( "SELECT * FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."users_users` WHERE `user_id`=?", array( $pUserId ) );
if( empty( $userRow ) ) {
// This is the first time this person has been synchronized. unset mUserId so a clean store goes through
$this->mUserId = null;
$this->mContentId = NULL;
$this->mInfo = array();
} else {
$this->mUserId = $pUserId;
$propUserInfo = $this->getProprietaryUserInfo( $pUserId );
if( !empty( $propUserInfo['user_name'] ) ) {
$storeHash['user_id'] = $pUserId;
if( empty( $userRow['login'] ) || $userRow['login'] != $pLogin ) {
$storeHash['login'] = $pLogin;
$storeHash['password'] = $pPassword;
if( empty( $userRow['real_name'] ) || $userRow['login'] != $pLogin ) {
// we have a "Last, FIrst" name in our prop db
list( $lastName, $firstName ) = explode( ',', $propUserInfo['name'] );
$storeHash['real_name'] = trim( $firstName.' '.$lastName );
$storeHash['registration_date'] = strtotime( $propUserInfo['create_date'] );
$storeHash['email'] = strtotime( $propUserInfo['email'] );
$this->store( $storeHash );
} else {
$this->mErrors['login'] = "Unknown Proprietary user:".$pUserId ;
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );

function getProprietaryUserInfo( $pUserId ) {



!Step 3: Adjust bitweaver configuration
We need to make sure foocore is scanned before the UsersPackage so add the following to your kernel/config_inc.php:

^$gPreScan = array( 'kernel', 'foocore', 'users', 'liberty' );^

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17 Apr 2009 (07:45 UTC)
Lester Caine81.138.11.1364
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