History of ReleaseZero

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Version 20Current version

STATUS: (:idea:) Active DEVELOPMENT branch in the "spidercore" bitweaverCVS module - though it's _just_ about to go into TESTING

Get Code:

We have a virtual CVS module called "bonnie" which will magically pull all the right files for you. To get a copy if you have been added as a developer to the bitweaver project at SourceForge
cvs -z 3 -d :ext:yoursfuser@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bonnie
or you can do an anonymous checkout (can be slightly delayed from :ext: checkouts), enter both of these commands:
cvs -z 3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver login
cvs -z 3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bitweaver co bonnie


  • Complete ArchitectureTransition to the bitweaverArchitecture - maintain feature Parity wtih ReleaseAl (aka TikiWiki 1.8) and get a working code base. If you want to help move a TikiPackage to the new bitweaverArchitecture, please sign up on the ArchitectureTransition page.
  • PhpBBPackage integrated as very pristine source

  • Completed ArchitectureTransition to the bitweaverArchitecture - maintain feature Parity with ReleaseAl and get a working code base. If you want to help move a bitweaverPackage to the new bitweaverArchitecture, please sign up on the ArchitectureTransition page.
  • PhpBBPackage integrated as very pristine source

Page History
26 Oct 2008 (10:09 UTC)
cleaned up garbage text introduced by renaming of another page
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