Version 2

Bounty: Various Moderation Related Features

Created by: AC van Rijn, Last modification: 16 Jun 2006 (20:12 UTC) by AC van Rijn


I would like to introduce various features to bitweaver that allow for more opportunities and better regulation of user contributed (meta-)content.

Quite a few websites that allow for user input (e.g. slashdot) also allow users to determine the quality of content that is displayed with use of a filter. Bitweaver could allow administrators to enable certain (or all) types of content to be filtered by users. This would be rather useful for bitweaver websites with a lot of user comments or user submitted media content.
My personal requirement in case of this bounty for the filter is that it is based on the 5-star rating system, has a default setting of one star and is applied to all rateable content. But I can imagine that a full bitweaver package would want these settings to be admin configurable.

Automated Moderation
Automated moderation of user submitted content would be very useful in fighting spam and other types of unwanted user input on a bitweaver website. I can think of two levels of automation: semi-automatic and fully automatic moderation (although I suppose a hybrid system is also possible).
In case of semi-automatic moderation, content that receives a low rating a certain number of times within a certain timespanne, cause the website administrator to be notified (e.g. by email or at the admin interface). A seperate admin page used to list all content that requires attention from the administrator along with easy delete controls.
Fully automatic moderation would automatically hide content that receives a low rating a certain number of times within a certain timespan, and notify the administrator afterwards. The administrator would then have ability to undo the moderation of the content utilizing a similar approach as with semi-automatic moderation.
My personal requirement for this bounty is just the fully automatic moderation function, along with making the threshold of when content is hidden based on negative feedback admin definable.

Current Bounty Amount: $250.00

  • $250

Bounty Status

  • This bounty is currently open and seeking developers.


The maintainer of the bounty is: Alexander van Rijn,
Please contact him before starting any work on this bounty.

Bounty History

  • Created 2006-06-16

Page History
20 Jun 2006 (16:06 UTC)
AC van Rijn24.132.252.8113
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.8112
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.8110
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.815
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.814
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.813
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.812
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AC van Rijn24.132.252.811
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