The Features Boneyard is where we bury deprecated or obsolete Packages. Here you will find some usable code, but it is incompatible with bitweaver R2. Adventurous users may find something they can work with here.

!!Deprecated R1 Packages
|| -=Package Name=- | -=Description=-
((CategoriesPackage)) | Classification of content such as wiki, blogs, images (R1 ONLY - replaced by PigeonholesPackage in R2)
((PhpBBPackage))|Pristine integration of phpBB with no schema of functionality alterations (R1 ONLY - replaced by ((BoardsPackage)) in R2)


!!Deprecated R0 Packages
The following features were all part of TikiWiki. They were are all modularized and made fully functional for our RelaseZero. Currently, they have not been upgraded to bitweaverStandards however, it is likely that several features will be updated. Converting these features is a realitively small coding task, but thorough knowledge of PHP, OOD, and SQL is a must.

If you are interested in getting involved let us know in the [/forum/|Forum] or ((ConnectingToIrc|IRC)) channel #bitweaver on

||-=Feature=- | -=Status ((ReleaseZero))=- | -= Status ((ReleaseOne))=- | -= Status ((ReleaseTwo))=-
:: -=Information Handling=- :: | Working |
((PackageBanners|Banners)) | Working |
((PackageMiniCalendar|Mini Calendar)) | Working | functionality covered by upcoming CalendarPackage
((PackageTikiCalendar|Tiki Calendar)) | Working | functionality covered by upcoming CalendarPackage
((PackageJSCalendar|JSCalendar)) | Working | functionality covered by upcoming CalendarPackage
((PackageCharts|Charts)) | Working |
((PackageChat|Chat)) | Working |
Dynamic Content System | Working |
((PackageDirectory|Directory)) | Working |
((PackageDrawings|Drawings)) | Working |
((PackageEphemerides|Ephemerides)) | Working |
((PackageFAQs|FAQs)) | Working |
((PackageFeaturedLinks|Featured links)) | Working |
((PackageForumTiki|Forums (tiki-forums) )) | Working | ForumsResearch has multiple discussion threads about updating this package. TikiWiki 1.9 had significant work done to these. PhpBBPackage is a stable stable alternative | See BoardsPackage
((GalleriesFilePackages|File Galleries)) | Working |
((PackageGames|Games)) | Working |
((PackageHelpSystem|Help System)) | Working |
((PackageLiveSupport|Live support system)) | Working |
((PackageMailIn|email Wiki and Article update)) | Working |
((PackageMaps|Maps)) | Working | | See GmapPackage
((PackageNewsreader|Newsreader)) | Working |
((PackagePolls|Polls)) | Working |
((PackageQuizzes|Quizzes/Surveys)) | Working |
((PackageTrackers|Trackers)) | Working |
((RSSPackage|RDF RSS)) | Working |
((PackageWebmail|Webmail)) | Working | ||
Page History
12 Nov 2008 (04:48 UTC)
page more consistent with official pkg table
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