History of IconStyles

Differences from version 1 to 15

@@ -1,41 +1,36 @@

-bitweaver has always had th eoption of using your own icons by overriding existing ones. This has just been overhauled in R2 - our icon styles are now compatible with Gnome and KDE icon themes!
+Bitweaver's __Icon Styles__ are compatible with Gnome and KDE icon themes. Icon Styles can be viewed and chosen on the ''Admin > Themes > Themes Manager'' page. Icons Styles are presented for you to select from:
-! Using the IconStyles
-IconStyles can be viewed and chosen on the Admin --> Themes --> Themes Manager page. A selection of icons is shown that you can select your favourite theme easily.
-As soon as you add a new icon style, it should appear on that Themes Manager ready for selection.
+{attachment id=403}
-!! Where can i get more IconStyles?
-We don't have a repository for this yet. Hopefully soon though.
-! Adding new IconStyles
-It's quite easy to add new IconStyles thanks to the fact that we try to stick to the official [http://tango.freedesktop.org/Standard_Icon_Naming_Specification|Icon Naming Specification]. Since the [http://tango.freedesktop.org/|Tango Desktop Project] is tightly associated with the icon naming specification we chose this theme as the bitweaver default.
-!! Where are Icon Styles?
-You can find icon styles in your themes directory. The structure of an icon style is outlined below.
+! About Icon Styles
+Icon Styles added by the admin appear on the ''Themes Manager'' page. See ((icon research)) as a starting point for a new Icon Style. It's quite easy to add new Icon Styles thanks to the fact that Bitweaver sticks to the official [http://tango.freedesktop.org/Standard_Icon_Naming_Specification|Icon Naming Specification]. Since the [http://tango.freedesktop.org/|Tango Desktop Project] is tightly associated with the icon naming specification we chose their theme Tango as bitweaver's default. The available Icon Styles reside in the themes directory:
 {code title="IconStyles Directory"}
 // base IconStyles directory
 // substructure of the icon style
-!! 1. Get new Icon Theme
-You can get more icon themes from here - Please note that most of these themes don't adhere to the naming convention yet and will therefore probably not work with bitweaver. If you find new themes that adhere to naming specifications please let us know.
+! Overriding or adding specific icons
+To use icons that are not part of an Icon Style, or to override icons that are, use the icons directory in your custom style. E.g., to override the "busy" icon in liberty/icons/ place the new "busy" icon in themes/styles/yourstyle/icons/liberty/ (must have either gif, png or jpg extension).
+! Getting new icon themes
+Icon themes that don't adhere to the naming convention will probably not work with Bitweaver. Themes that do adhere to the naming specifications can be found on sites like:
 * [http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/|Gnome art]
 * [http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=27|KDE-look]
-* Here is a [http://ramnet.se/~nisse/diverse/temp/themes%20following%20the%20naming%20spec.html|list of IconStyles that adhere to the naming specification]
+* [http://ramnet.se/~nisse/diverse/temp/themes%20following%20the%20naming%20spec.html|list of IconStyles that adhere to the naming specification]
-!! 2. Make the icon style compatible with bitweaver
+! Making the icon theme compatible with Bitweaver
 There are 3 types of icon themes:
-# Themes that have a full set of various icon sizes
-# Themes that come as SVG icons only
-# Themes that come as a mixture where the PNG icon versions are used to give a nicer version of a given icon at it's size
+# themes that have a full set of various icon sizes
+# themes that come as SVG icons only
+# themes that come as a mixture where the PNG icon is a nicer version of a given icon
-!!! 1. Full icon set themes
+!! 1. Full icon set themes
 These icon themes are the easiest to convert.
 {code title="Typical icon theme directory structure"}
 // List of directories within the theme

@@ -57,141 +52,59 @@

-We now need to move all the icons of a given size to a directory called __small__. Do the same for some other size and large. In bitweaver we are using 16x16 as small and 32x32 for large icons. Finally we copy the files into an appropriately named directory in bitweaver icon_themes.
+We now need to move all the icons of a given size to directories called __small__ and __large__. Bitweaver uses 16x16 px for small and 32x32 px for large icons. Finally we copy the files into an appropriately named directory in bitweaver icon_themes.
 In the example below we will create a style called __foo__.
 {code source=Bash title="Execute this to move all icons to the appropriate directories"}
 mkdir -p foo/small foo/large
-cp 16x16/*/*.png foo/small/
-cp 32x32/*/*.png foo/large/
+cp -f 16x16/*/*.png foo/small/
+cp -f 32x32/*/*.png foo/large/
 mv foo /bitweaver/themes/icon_styles/
-!!! 2. SVG icon set themes
-These icon themes contain only SVG icon files. If you are on windows I have no idea how to convert these icons using a batch process (perhaps irfanview can deal with SVG files). On linux you will need __rsvg__ installed (you need to install __librsvg__ if you don't have it).
-In your downloaded icon theme you can execute something like this:
-{code source=Bash title="Convert SVG icon theme to bitweaver compatible icon theme"}
-echo Will convert an SVG Gnome or KDE icon theme to a usable bitweaver icon theme
+!! 2. SVG icon set themes
+{attachment id=560 align=left margin=5px text-align=center} These kinds of icon themes contain SVG icon files and also PNG files for small versions of the icons. On Linux you will need __rsvg__ in your path to execute the following script (__librsvg__ is required).
-# Validate Input
-if [[ ( $1 == '--help' ) || ( $1 == '-h' ) || ( $1 == '?' ) ]]
- echo "Usage: sh icon_theme_converter.sh [options]
- This script requires that rsvg is available (i.e.: librsvg is installed)."
- exit
+!! Addding style information
+The style_info directory works exactly the same as it does in the theme styles directories.
-if [ rsvg ]
- echo "'rsvg' was found in your \$PATH."
- echo "rsvg could not be found in your \$PATH. Please download and install librsvg."
- exit
-if [ -d "$dir" ]
- for folder in `find ./$dir/ -maxdepth 1 -type d`; do
- folder=`basename $folder`
- if [ "$folder" != $dir ]; then
- echo "Converting $folder icons"
- for icon in ./$dir/$folder/*.svg; do
- basename=${icon%.*};
- basename=`basename $basename`;
- mkdir -p "./small/"
- rsvg -w16 -h16 $icon "./small/${basename}.png";
- mkdir -p "./large/"
- rsvg -w32 -h32 $icon "./large/${basename}.png";
- done;
- fi;
- done
- echo
- echo "Conversion is done. Now you need to create an icon style directory, move small/
- and large/ into it and place that in the bitweaver/themes/icon_styles/ directory."
- echo "Please copy this script to the theme you want to convert and run it from there.
- Make sure the svg directory is avalable and that it's called 'scalable'"
+!! Overriding a couple of icons
+The Tango icon theme is BitweaveR's default Icon Style. Any icon not found in the currently selected Icon Style will be searched for in the Tango theme. If you want to override a couple of icons, you can simply create your custom Icon Style in ''/themes/icon_styles/'' and then place your icons in the small and large subdirectories using the same names as in the Tango theme. Finally select your icon style in the ''Themes Manager'' page. To change the default Icon Style (Tango), edit kernel/setup_inc.php:
+{code source=PHP title="kernel/setup_inc.php"}
+// Change this line to your preferred default style
+define( 'DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE', 'tango' );
-!!! 3. SVG mixed with PNG icon set themes
-You can use the SVG script above and then copy across all PNG icons overwriting the freshly converted icons with the PNG versions - basically combining both scripts:
-{code source=Bash title="Combining both scripts for mixed icon themes"}
+! Converting icons to GIF
+If you want to avoid using Javascript to make PNG icons work in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, you can use GIF icons instead. On Linux with ImageMagic, you can use this little script to convert all the PNG images to GIFs. (The above script will also create GIF copies of all PNG icons, but if you want to do it manually, here is a code snippet that might help you.)
+{code source=Bash title="PNG to GIF conversion script"}
-echo Will convert an SVG Gnome or KDE icon theme to a usable bitweaver icon theme
+echo Making gif copies of all png icons
+echo The gif version is sent to Microsoft Internet Explorer to avoid transparency issues.
+echo Creating directory to hold the final version of the icon style
+mkdir -v $mydir
+for dir in $dirlist
+ echo
+ echo Making gif copies in $dir/
-# Validate Input
-if [[ ( $1 == '--help' ) || ( $1 == '-h' ) || ( $1 == '?' ) ]]
- echo "Usage: sh icon_theme_converter.sh [options]
- This script requires that rsvg is available (i.e.: librsvg is installed)."
- exit
+ filelist=`ls $dir`
-if [ rsvg ]
- echo "'rsvg' was found in your \$PATH."
- echo "rsvg could not be found in your \$PATH. Please download and install librsvg."
- exit
+ for file in $filelist
+ do
+ conv=`echo $file | perl -wpe 's/\.png//g'`
+ convert $dir/$conv.png -channel A -threshold 50% $dir/$conv.gif 2>>biticonification_error.log;
+ # experimentation...
+ #convert $dir/$conv.png -channel A -threshold 65% -modulate 120,80,90 -fill "#99AAEE" -tint 50 -verbose $dir/$conv-tint.png 2>>biticonific»
+ #convert $dir/$conv.png -modulate 100,100,50 -fill "#AACCFF" -tint 50 -verbose $dir/$conv-tint.png 2>>biticonification_error.log;
+ #convert $dir/$conv.png -modulate 100,100,50 -verbose $dir/$conv-tint.png 2>>biticonification_error.log;
+ done
-if [ -d "$dir" ]
- for folder in `find ./$dir/ -maxdepth 1 -type d`; do
- folder=`basename $folder`
- if [ "$folder" != $dir ]; then
- echo "Converting $folder icons"
- for icon in ./$dir/$folder/*.svg; do
- basename=${icon%.*};
- basename=`basename $basename`;
- mkdir -p "./small/"
- rsvg -w16 -h16 $icon "./small/${basename}.png";
- mkdir -p "./large/"
- rsvg -w32 -h32 $icon "./large/${basename}.png";
- done;
- fi;
- done
- cp -f 16x16/*/*.png ./small/
- cp -f 32x32/*/*.png ./large/
- echo
- echo "Conversion is done. Now you need to create an icon style directory, move small/
- and large/ into it and place that in the bitweaver/themes/icon_styles/ directory."
- echo "Please copy this script to the theme you want to convert and run it from there.
- Make sure the svg directory is avalable and that it's called 'scalable'"
+ mv $dir $mydir/;
-!! Add style information
-The style_info directory works exactly the same as it does in the theme styles directories. Please look at existing ones to see what is going on in there.
-!! Override a couple of icons
-The Tango icon theme is our default icon theme. This means that any icon that isn't found in your selected icon style will be searched for in the Tango theme. If you want to override a couple of icons, you can simply create your custom icon style in themes/icon_styles/ and then place your icons in the small and large subdirectories using the same names as in the Tango theme. Finally select your icon style in the Themes Manager page.
-If you want to change the default icon style - we don't have an interface for this - you need to edit the define() in kernel/setup_inc.php
-{code source=PHP title="kernel/setup_inc.php"}
-// Change this line to your preferred default style
-define( 'DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE', 'tango' );
-! Overriding icons that are not found in the icon style
-Some packages still require their own icons as the icon themes only provide a certain set of icons which are not always sufficient. You can override these in using the icons directory.
-e.g.: To override the busy icon in liberty/icons/ place the busy icon you want to use (must have either gif, png or jpg extension) in themes/styles/<style>/icons/liberty/
Page History
07 Sep 2008 (17:19 UTC)
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