History of FckeditorPackage


FCKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor for bitweaver from [http://www.fckeditor.net|fckeditor.net].


!Basic Features
* __Multiple Browser Support__ Including:
** IE 5.5+ (Windows)
** Firefox 1.0+
** Mozilla 1.3+
** Netscape 7+.
* __XHTML 1.0 Output__
* __CSS Support:__ For easier integration with a theme.
* __Font formatting:__ type, size, color, style, bold, italic, etc
* __Text formatting:__ alignment, indentation, bullets list, etc
* Cut, Paste and Paste as Plain Text, Undo and Redo
* Paste from __Word__ cleanup with auto detection
* Link and anchors support
* Table creation and editing (add, delete rows, etc) - one of the best systems in the market.
* Table cells editing (size, colors, etc)
* Right click context menus support
* Support for Toolbar Customization
* Skins
* Spell Checker Integration
* Automatic browser detection and customization
* Full Page Mode
* Easy to Use
* Source Code View

^__NOTE:__ FCKEditor is currently NOT compatible with the Ajax Comments feature in LibertyPackage.^

Bitweaver includes the ability to use one of several toolbars with FCKEditor easily. It is also possible to customize the toolbar by editing the fckeditor/jscripts/fckconfig.js file to specify your own and then adding it to fckeditor/admin/admin_fckeditor_inc.php.

Bitweaver includes the ability to skin the interface with one of the three default skins. It is also possible to create your own skin. You will have to add it to the fckeditor/admin/admin_fckeditor_inc.php file to add it to the administration interface.

!Adding Your Own Features - aka Plugins
Here are two good tutorials to get you started
[http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1268047&forum_id=257180|Create a Dialog Based Plug-In]
[http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3091867|Creating a Non-dialog Based Plugin ]

!bitweaver Plugins for FCKeditor

The Split plugin gives you a button that will insert a split tag: ...split... into your content. This is good for blog posts and articles where you want to easily define a read more section. Now your users don't need to know how to use ...split... they can just click the "Insert Split" button, which includes a hover tool tip letting you know it is for adding a Read More section.

To enable Split in your FCKeditor you need to edit your fckconfig.js file in fckeditor/jscripts/

In fckconfig.js you need to add/uncomment the following:
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'split' ) ;

and you need to add Split to your toolbar list, for example like:
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Basic"] = [
] ;

The Attachment plugin integrates bitweaver's native LibertyAttachments features into the FCKeditor. __Note that the current state of the Attachment plugin only supports previewing of images, and does not yet create attachment associations between content and uploaded files.__ Like the attachment tab in most liberty content packages this fck plugin will let you upload files via ajax to associate with your user account. You can also get a list of all attachments your user has ever uploaded. From the resulting list it is a single click to insert attachment code into your text. The fck plugin will also preview the attachment image in the fck editing interface.

To enable Attachment in your FCKeditor you need to edit your fckconfig.js file in fckeditor/jscripts/ and edit the fck header_inc.tpl

In fckconfig.js you need to add/uncomment the following:
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'attachment' ) ;

and you need to add Attachment to your toolbar list, for example like:
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Basic"] = [
] ;

In header_inc.tpl you need to include a number of the MochiKit javascript library files.
{if $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('fckeditor') }
<script src="../util/javascript/libs/MochiKit/Base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../util/javascript/libs/MochiKit/Iter.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../util/javascript/libs/MochiKit/Async.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

...rest of header code

!!Image Browser
To get the Resources Browser (Image > Browse Server) working so you can upload files,flash,images and media follow the steps below

in jscripts/editor/fckconfig.js
change asp
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'asp' ;
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'asp' ;
to php
var _FileBrowserLanguage = 'php' ;
var _QuickUploadLanguage = 'php' ;

create the following directories in your storage directory

in jscripts/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/config.php
$Config['Enabled'] = false;
$Config['Enabled'] = true;

also set
$Config['UserFilesPath'] = "/UserFiles/";
to point to your storage directory or any other directory that you want your media to be stored in.
$Config['UserFilesPath'] = "/bitweaver/storage/";

make sure apache can write to the directories you created above
chmod -R 777 storage/
Now point your browser to your fckconfig.js file and hit reload
http://localhost/bitweaver/fckeditor/jscripts/fckconfig.js this just makes sure that your changes arn't cached in your browser
Page History
20 Jul 2010 (09:46 UTC)
Lester Caine81.138.11.13622
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duco mansvelder213.73.188.14118
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