History of Troubleshooting

Version 3


Problems and solutions to installing and running bitweaver

Created by: SV1, Last modification: 30 Apr 2006 (21:03 UTC) by SV1

Hey, No Body's Perfect

Bitweaver is constantly improving and occassionally we all run into one problem or another. Sometimes the problems you encounter can be caused by a typo or error in the code and other times it may very well be the way your webhosting environment is configured. To help you narrow the list of possible causes down here are some recommended steps that will help you to determine and possibly resolve any problems you are encountering while using Bitweaver:

On Screen Errors

If you have no idea what it means when your bitweaver installation produces an error message on your website you can usually ask for help and get an answer from a community volunteer. Copy and past the error in the support forum. Be patient, we all do what we can.

Review Your Servers Error Logs

If you experience something less obvious than an on screen error your servers error logs are an excellent place to start the hunt. This may not always provide an answer but it is a fast and easy thing to check.


If you are starting a new website consider using a webhost that offers php 5. While bitweaver might install and run on php 4 there have been compatibility issues reported. Using php 5 seems to alleviate the majority of these issues. If you encounter an error, a bug, or notice that something on your site does not work that is working on bitweaver.org, you might have a php 4 related problem. Please tell us about it in the support forum. We will attempt to either confirm or deny that it is a php 4 related issue. Please be patient, we do what we can.


Unknown at this time.


Using bitweaver in a subdirectory may result in RSS feed topic link errors. We are working on a solution.

Custom Environment Configurations.

System Requirements

Higher quality webhosts will allow you to fine tune configuration settings to your specific needs. For instance, you may be allowed to create a custom php.ini file. If this is your situation you can and should set your php.ini in accordance with bitweavers suggested system requirements such as minimum memory requirements.


If you encounter problems logging in or staying logged in while using various bitweaver modules you might be experiencing a sessions related issue. This topic has been included under custom environment configurations for a reason. Your php.ini file also contains the configuration settings for handeling sessions. Specifically you should look for this setting: session.save_path, it should not be blank. You can confirm the current status of this setting by viewing the phpinfo() for your server and scrolling down to the big "Sessions" information block.


Still Clueless? We are a friendly community, introduce yourself and ask for help.

Page History
02 May 2008 (11:53 UTC)
fix spelling
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