! Introduction
Bitweaver's permissioning system is a granular group permissioning system.

The basic way it works is that a group is created, permissions to do specific actions within bitweaver are assigned to the group, then users are assigned into it.

For example:
A group may be created with permissions assigned to allow the members to edit, submit and approve articles. Yet another group may be assigned permissions to edit wiki pages and wiki books. You may then assign users to those groups to participate in your website as article and/or wiki editors depending on your needs.

Beginning with version 2, it is possible to allow users to become a member of a public group, allowing them to choose to participate in specific roles if you've chosen to setup your bitweaver site that way.

! Groups
You can find the group setup page at either 'Administration' -> 'Users' -> 'Groups and Permissions' or my.domain.com/users/admin/edit_group.php. This page lists all available groups, some of their settings and outlines all permissions of each group. To edit a given group, click the 'Edit' icon. To view the group members, click the 'Group Members' icon.

{attachment id=542} Once in the edit screen, you can modify group settings and assign / remove individual permissions that apply to the given group. The above screencast illustrates how you can add the permission to remove wiki pages to registered users.

!! Assigning users to groups
{attachment id=543} Here is a short screencast illustrating how to manually add a new user and how to assign the editor group to that user.

! Levels
Levels can be used to group certain permissions and thus easily assign a set of permissions to a group. Assigning a permission to a level has no outcome on the users or groups. It's merely a way to organise permissions.

For someone learning how to use bitweaver and work with the permissions for the first time, it's best to ignore the levels altogether.
Page History
14 Apr 2008 (13:39 UTC)
verifyUserPermissions exists.
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