This function generates HTML code that adds a date picker to an HTML form. Depending on Bitweaver settings (Administration/Themes/Theme Settings) this can be the ordinary Smarty way of date/time picking (see html_select_date and html_select_time functions) or a nice javascript calendar.

name|The name of the inputfield. Use this to identify the date/datetime input from other inputs. (will be used for <input name="...), defaults to 'date'.
showtime|defines whether you need a date or datetime picking method. Set to 'true' or 'false', defaults to 'true'.
time|The time value to be displayed, in the format given in the format parameter. Defaults to the current system time.
format|The datetime format used to display/return the timestamp. Defaults to the user's preference on the Bitweaver system.
<div class="row">
{formlabel label="End" for="end"}
{forminput}{bit_select_datetime name='event[end]' time=$gContent->mInfo.end}{/forminput}
Later, in the PHP file processing that form's request, use this to evaluate the setting:
$timestamp = $gBitSystem->mServerTimestamp->getUTCFromDisplayDate(_REQUEST['event']['end']);

!See also
*((Smarty Functions))
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14 Jan 2007 (10:33 UTC)
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