History of ThemeCSS

Differences from version 46 to 55

@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@

-This table will be revamped & be more thorough in explaining things soon. Things are also open to discussion. :)
+!please note: this list hasn't been updated in a long time and is therefore obsolete
-|| ::__CSS Class Name__:: | ::__Description & When to Use__:: | ::__Package__::| ::__Old TikiWiki Class Name__::
+This table will be revamped & be more thorough in explaining things soon. Things are also open to discussion. :)
+|| ::__CSS Class Name__:: | ::__Description & When to Use__:: | ::__Package__::| ::__Old ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and TikiWiki)) Class Name__::
 a | formats links that don't otherwise have a class specified (most links are of this type) | (global) | .link
-a.flip | formats a "flip" link when a link appears in the title of a module or tiki content box to "windowshade" the box, hiding it from view | (global) | .flip
+a.flip | formats a "flip" link when a link appears in the title of a module or tiki content box to "windowshade" the box, hiding it from view | (global) | .flip
 a.menu | formats the links that appear above the MyTiki menu (i.e. Home, Categories, etc.) | (global) | .linkmenu
 ~np~#admmnu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the admin submenu | (global) | -
 .appmenuhead | formats the submenu title areas (wiki, mytiki, etc) | (global) | div.separator
 .appmenuhead a | formats the links within the .appmenuhead areas | (global) | .separator
-.articleexpand | formats the "read more" are beneath an article | articles | .articletrailer
+.articleexpand | formats the "read more" are beneath an article | articles | .articletrailer
 ~np~#blogmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the weblogs submenu | (global) | -
 body | used as its HTML tag | (global) | assorted
 .button | formats rows containing submit buttons | (global) | -
 .button td | formats the cells of rows containing submit buttons (see ~np~input[type=submit]~/np~ for more info) | (global) | -
 ~np~#chartmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the charts submenu | (global) | -
 ~np~#cmsmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the articles submenu | (global) | -
-.columnin | sits just inside ~np~#top~/np~ & ~np~#main~/np~ divs to help column appear correctly | (global) | -
+.columnin | sits just inside ~np~#top~/np~ & ~np~#main~/np~ divs to help column appear correctly | (global) | -
 ~np~#content1~/np~ | | calendar | .content
 ~np~#content2~/np~ | | calendar | .content
 ~np~#debugger~/np~ | contains the debugger | (global) | div.debugconsole

@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@

 .odd | offset color for odd rows in data tables | (global) | td.odd
 .other | formats select other tables | (global) | .normalnoborder
 .pagetitle | formats the name of pages | (global) | a.pagetitle
-.pagination | encloses the pagination area & previous & next links | (global) | .mini
+.pagination | encloses the pagination area & previous & next links | (global) | .mini
 .pagination a | formats the links within .pagination | (global) | .prevnext
 .panel | formats tables with forms for user input | (global) | .normal
 .panel td | formats the cells of its corresponding table | (global) | td.formcolor
-~np~#powered~/np~ | contains the "powered by.." logos in the footer | (global) | -
+~np~#powered~/np~ | contains the "powered by.." logos in the footer | (global) | -
 ~np~#quizmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the quiz submenu | (global) | -
 ~np~#right~/np~ | the right column | (global) | ~np~#rightcolumn~/np~

@@ -87,15 +89,16 @@

 ~np~#wfmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the workflow submenu | (global) | -
-Deprecated Styles from TikiWiki that are no longer used:
-|| ::__Old TikiWiki Class Name__:: | ::__Explanation / Reason for Removal__::
+Deprecated Styles from ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and TikiWiki)) that are no longer used:
+|| ::__Old ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and ((bitweaver and TikiWiki)) Class Name__:: | ::__Explanation / Reason for Removal__::
 a.trailer | unnecessary
 .form | forthcoming
 .formcolor | forthcoming
-.heading | Use <th> tag (data tables only)
+.heading | Use <th> tag (data tables only)
 .separator | forthcoming
-.tablink | previously used in .tabbut, unnecessary (is now &quot;.navtab a&quot;)
-.tableheading | formatted using &quot;th a&quot; in CSS
+.tablink | previously used in .tabbut, unnecessary (is now ".navtab a")
+.tableheading | formatted using "th a" in CSS
 .third | unused
 ~np~#tiki-center~/np~ | unnecessary
 ~np~#tiki-mid~/np~ | unnecessary
Page History
23 Feb 2005 (04:58 UTC)
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