History of ThemeCSS

This table will be revamped & be more thorough in explaining things soon. Things are also open to discussion. :)

|| ::__CSS Class Name__:: | ::__Description & When to Use__:: | ::__Package__::| ::__Old TikiWiki Class Name__::
a | formats links that don't otherwise have a class specified (most links are of this type) | (global) | .link
a.flip | formats a "flip" link when a link appears in the title of a module or tiki content box to "windowshade" the box, hiding it from view | (global) | .flip
a.menu | formats the links that appear above the MyTiki menu (i.e. Home, Categories, etc.) | (global) | .linkmenu
~np~#admmnu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the admin submenu | (global) | -
.appmenuhead | formats the submenu title areas (wiki, mytiki, etc) | (global) | div.separator
.appmenuhead a | formats the links within the .appmenuhead areas | (global) | .separator
.articleexpand | formats the "read more" are beneath an article | articles | .articletrailer
~np~#blogmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the weblogs submenu | (global) | -
body | used as its HTML tag | (global) | assorted
.button | formats rows containing submit buttons | (global) | -
.button td | formats the cells of rows containing submit buttons (see ~np~input[type=submit]~/np~ for more info) | (global) | -
~np~#chartmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the charts submenu | (global) | -
~np~#cmsmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the articles submenu | (global) | -
.columnin | sits just inside ~np~#top~/np~ & ~np~#main~/np~ divs to help column appear correctly | (global) | -
~np~#content1~/np~ | | calendar | .content
~np~#content2~/np~ | | calendar | .content
~np~#debugger~/np~ | contains the debugger | (global) | div.debugconsole
~np~#dirmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the directory submenu | (global) | -
~np~#edithelp~/np~ | wiki syntax help area | (global) | .wiki-edithelp
~np~#ephmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the eph submenu | (global) | -
.error | used to enclose text when an error has occured as the result of an action. See also: .warning, and .success | (global) | -
.even | offset color for even rows in data tables | (global) | td.even
~np~#faqsmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the FAQs submenu | (global) | -
~np~#filegalmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the file gallery submenu | (global) | -
.find | use with the table tag | (global) | table.findtable
.find td | formats the cells within the find table | (global) | td.find
~np~#footer~/np~ | used for the footer | (global) | ~np~#tiki-bot~/np~
form | used as its HTML tag | (global) | -
~np~#formenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the forum submenu | (global) | -
~np~#galmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the image gallery submenu | (global) | -
.helpicon | formats the help icon | (global) | a.tikihelp
.icon | formats icons other than the help icon | (global) | -
input | formats input fields that aren't submit buttons or file upload areas | (global) | -
~np~input[type=file]~/np~ | formats file upload areas | (global) | -
~np~input[type=submit]~/np~ | formats submit buttons (not supported by IE) | (global) | -
.layout | formats specific tables (details to follow) | (global) | .admin
.layout td | formats the cells of its corresponding table | (global) | td.form
~np~#left~/np~ | the left column | (global) | ~np~#leftcolumn~/np~
~np~#loadstats~/np~ | contains the statistics displayed in the footer | (global) | -
~np~#main~/np~ | the center (otherwise default) column | (global) | ~np~#centercolumn~/np~
~np~#mapsmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the maps submenu | (global) | -
.module | contains a given module | (global) | .box
.moduletitle | contains the title of a module | (global) | .box-title
.modulecontent | contains the content of a module | (global) | .box-data
.module a | formats links within a module | (global) | .linkmodule
~np~#mymenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the MyTiki submenu | (global) | -
.navbar | standardized tabs for navigating within a given package | (global) | .tabbut, .button2, .linkbut
.navbar a | formats a link within .navtab | (global) | .tablink
~np~#nlmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the newsletters submenu | (global) | -
.odd | offset color for odd rows in data tables | (global) | td.odd
.other | formats select other tables | (global) | .normalnoborder
.pagetitle | formats the name of pages | (global) | a.pagetitle
.pagination | encloses the pagination area & previous & next links | (global) | .mini
.pagination a | formats the links within .pagination | (global) | .prevnext
.panel | formats tables with forms for user input | (global) | .normal
.panel td | formats the cells of its corresponding table | (global) | td.formcolor
~np~#powered~/np~ | contains the "powered by.." logos in the footer | (global) | -
~np~#quizmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the quiz submenu | (global) | -
~np~#right~/np~ | the right column | (global) | ~np~#rightcolumn~/np~

~np~#rssbar~/np~ | contains the RSS icons in the footer | (global) | -
select | select boxes (combo boxes) without a class specified | -
.simplebox | a simple box (go figure) | (global) | -
~np~#srvmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the surveys submenu | (global) | -
.success | used to enclose text when a successful action has occured, typically from a FORM submit. See also: .warning, and .error | (global) | -
~np~#tab1~/np~ | | calendar | .tab tabActive
~np~#tab2~/np~ | | calendar | .tab
table | a table without a class is used for data tables only | (global) | assorted
textarea | textareas without a class specified | (global) | -
th | formats data table column headers | (global) | td.heading
th a | formats links within data table column headers | (global) | a.tableheading
th.row | formats data table row headers | (global) | -
th.row a | formats links within data table row headers | (global) | -
.tiki | the main content area box in the main column | (global) | .cbox
.tikititle | contains the title of .tiki | (global) | .cbox-title
.tikititle a | formats links within .tikititle | (global) | a.tcbox
.tikicontent | contains the content of .tiki | (global) | .cbox-data
~np~#top~/np~ | contains the header | (global) | ~np~#tiki-top~/np~
~np~#trkmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the trackers submenu | (global) | -
~np~#usrmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the user submenu | (global) | -
.warning | used to enclose text when the result of an action, typcially a FORM submit, has produced unexpected, yet non-fatal results. See also: .error, and .success | (global) | -
.wikidate | edit date on wiki pages | wiki | .editdate
~np~#wikimenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the wiki submenu | (global) | -
~np~#wfmenu a~/np~ | formats the contents of the workflow submenu | (global) | -

Deprecated Styles from TikiWiki that are no longer used:
|| ::__Old TikiWiki Class Name__:: | ::__Explanation / Reason for Removal__::
a.trailer | unnecessary
.form | forthcoming
.formcolor | forthcoming
.heading | Use <th> tag (data tables only)
.separator | forthcoming
.tablink | previously used in .tabbut, unnecessary (is now ".navtab a")
.tableheading | formatted using "th a" in CSS
.third | unused
~np~#tiki-center~/np~ | unnecessary
~np~#tiki-mid~/np~ | unnecessary
Page History
23 Feb 2005 (04:58 UTC)
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