History of StatsPackage

Differences from version 6 to 7

@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@

 The Stats package collects and displays information about your site: page views, views by content types, visualization of usage statistics.
-Note: if the package appears to be not working because you can't access the __directory /stats/__, it might be due to your web server's setup. For instance, global symlink settings might prevent Bitweaver (and any other web software) on your sever to have folders like /stats/ or /logs/. To solve this issue, rename the folder ''stats'', e.g., to ''siteinfo''.
+Note: if the package appears to be not working because you can't access the __directory /stats/__, it might be due to your web server's setup. For instance, global symlink settings might prevent Bitweaver (and any other web software) on your server to have folders like /stats/ or /logs/. To solve this issue, rename the folder ''stats'', e.g., to ''siteinfo''.
+__Bluehost__ is one company where this conflict arises. They said "The server tries to forward the /stats url to the /usr/local/stats system folder but it's not there thus generating a 404."
+Another work-around is to add a redirect in your .htaccess folder.
Page History
06 Dec 2008 (01:00 UTC)
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