!Google Summer of Code


This page is intended to document ideas for projects that would be appropriate for students participating in Googles Summer of Code program.

!!Social Networking Package

The basic idea would be to create a package which would allow users to specify who their friends are, give endorsements to their friends, see their network of friends friends and other such ideas.

!!Events Improvements

This project would enhance our events package with iCal export and repeating events support.

!!Mobile Device Theme

This project would create a theme and modify code to make bitweaver render well on mobile devices. This would do things like eliminate icons where not required and make sure the smaller sizes of images are sent and such.

!!MediaWiki Parser

The idea would be to extract Parser.php from the MediaWiki system and build a wrapper that would allow any PHP application to easily use this format.

!!Fckeditor Update and TikiWiki syntax plugin

Update our FCKEditor package to use the latest FCKEditor and write a plugin to their new data framework to support our TikiWiki syntax.

!!Atom Publish/XMLRPC/Soap API for blog publish

The idea would be to enable offline editing tools to work with Bitweaver via an API. This would allow blogging tools to blog to Bitweaver sites easily. Additional APIs could upload photos easily, etc.
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06 Mar 2008 (17:17 UTC)
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