History of LibertyMime

Version 2


The next generation of file management

Created by: Will, Last modification: 05 Jun 2008 (20:00 UTC) by Will
LibertyMime is the evolution of file management in bitweaver. Introduced in R2.0.3, LibertyMime replaces LibertyAttachable (also known as LibertyAttachments). LibertyMime is the base class for managing file attachments, and basically behaves like LibertyAttachable, but with far more robust features for file types.

Where LibertyMime departs from LibertyAttachable is in its handling of files; as its name suggests LibertyMime keys on mime type, where as LibertyAttachable handled files generically. LibertyMime's key feature is that is has a plugin system that lets each mime type be handled uniquely. Via the plugin system, each mime type has its own storage routine, loading routine, preferences and meta data, and methods of being displayed.

We love Mimes, who would a thunk?
Because LibertyMime lets us tailor file management to the mime, we can do elegant things like, with audio strip and store meta data from an mp3. For flash files we can set display size preferences for different kinds of display, like lists or full page. PDFs can be displayed as downloads, and images as slideshows. If you are using a quality digital camera the image plugin can extract store and display meta data the camera embeds in the photo.
Page History
29 Aug 2008 (20:47 UTC)
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