History of HTMLSyntax

Differences from version 1 to 2

@@ -1 +1,24 @@

-HTML Syntax Format Parser
+! HTML Format
+If the content format of your site or of a single page is set to HTML format, and HTML input is allowed, you can style and structure your content with the web's hypertext markup language. HTLM is one of various ((LibertyFormats|content formats)) Bitweaver offers. For any content format, data plugins let you include images, attachments, tabs, modules and other functionality. Enabling (and forcing) HTML for the entire Bitweaver install is recommended when a rich text editor like ((FCKeditorPackage|FCKeditor)) or ((TinyMCEPackage|TinyMCE)) is activated.
+!! Data plugins
+When the input format is HTML, and even when a rich text editor is active, ((List of Plugins|Bitweaver's Data Plugins)) can be used just like in a simple text-based format like Wiki Syntax. For instance:
+{code title="including an attachment"}
+{attachment id=111}
+!! Table of contents
+In the same way, a table of contents can be included, generated from the headings of a page. If enabled in ''Admin > Liberty > Formats'', it works just like it would in a simple text-based format like Wiki Syntax.
+{code title="include a toc"}
+!! Links
+If WikiLinks (filterbitlinks) is enabled in ''Admin > Liberty'', links of the following format can be used. The following example will be converted to a link to a page named "My Wiki Page". The link text can also be changed.
+{code title="linking to another wiki page"}
+((My Wiki Page))
+((My Wiki Page|click here to go to my page))
Page History
08 Jan 2009 (06:38 UTC)
added info
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