Differences from version 3 to 4

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 ( Remember to restart apache to pick up any new files - /etc/init.d/apache2 restart for SUSE )
 This will allow us to create a set of target sites that can be used by multisites.
 !!!bitweaver configuration
-The multisites admin has two pages. The settings panel allows you to configure 'Per Site' content and add a separate tab to edit pages to allow setting these. This is currently conflicting with ((ProtectorService|protector)) which is designed to provide the same service, and is duplicating code. This is an area that needs tidying up next.
+The multisites admin has two pages. The settings panel allows you to configure 'Per Site' content and add a separate tab to edit pages to allow setting these. This is currently conflicting with ((ProtectorService|protector)) which is designed to provide the same service, and is duplicating code. The separate tab option simply shows the server list on a separate tab on the edit pages, while the alternative is to include it in the services area of the page. It would currently seem sensible to disable 'Restrict to sites' if protector is being used as well. See notes below on the diferences possible with either setup.
 There is an option to display 'Number of members' but I have not established yet WHAT this relates to.
 The second page - Edit Sites - allows the identification of the sites configured in apache to be added and accessed. There are three tabs, the first of which displays a list of the configured sites and has links to allow data to be edited or an entry deleted. Simply create a new site by adding it's ServerName details and follow up with a description of that site. Save Settings will create the entry, but it is worth looking at the other two tabs to change the site title, and search details for this 'virtual' site, along with the home page and theme to use.
 Having now got things set up, for a simple setup, the trick is how to handle the situation before someone logs in. This has been achieved by creating a home page for the target site which must be available to be displayed by anonymous users. However this highlights the problem with restricting access to content. While we can restrict content to a particular virtual site, and can manually set the permissions on every content item, this becomes somewhat difficult to manage, so protector may well still be required to fill the gap.
Page History
17 Jul 2008 (14:06 UTC)
Expand on multisites/protector options
Lester Caine81.138.11.1364
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Lester Caine81.138.11.1363
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Lester Caine81.138.11.1362
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Lester Caine81.138.11.1361
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